Depth First Search

Properties of depth-first search

Depth-first search yields valuable information about the structure of a graph. Perhaps the most basic property of depth-first search is that the predecessor subgraph Gπ does indeed form a forest of trees, since the structure of the depth-first trees exactly mirrors the structure of recursive calls of DFS-VISIT. That is, u = π[v] if and only if DFS-VISIT(v) was called during a search of u's adjacency list. Additionally, vertex v is a descendant of vertex u in the depth-first forest if and only if v is discovered during the time in which u is gray.

Another important property of depth-first search is that discovery and finishing times have parenthesis structure. If we represent the discovery of vertex u with a left parenthesis "(u" and represent its finishing by a right parenthesis "u)", then the history of discoveries and finishings makes a well-formed expression in the sense that the parentheses are properly nested. For example, the depth-first search of Figure 22.5(a) corresponds to the parenthesization shown in Figure 22.5(b). Another way of stating the condition of parenthesis structure is given in the following theorem.









Figure 22.5: Properties of depth-first search. (a) The result of a depth-first search of a directed graph. Vertices are timestamped and edge types are indicated as in Figure 22.4. (b) Intervals for the discovery time and finishing time of each vertex correspond to the parenthesization shown. Each rectangle spans the interval given by the discovery and finishing times of the corresponding vertex. Tree edges are shown. If two intervals overlap, then one is nested within the other, and the vertex corresponding to the smaller interval is a descendant of the vertex corresponding to the larger. (c) The graph of part (a) redrawn with all tree and forward edges going down within a depth-first tree and all back edges going up from a descendant to an ancestor.


Classification of edges: Another interesting property of depth-first search is that the search can be used to classify the edges of the input graph G = (V, E). This edge classification can be used to glean important information about a graph.

We can define four edge types in terms of the depth-first forest Gπ produced by a depth-first search on G.

  1. Tree edges are edges in the depth-first forest Gπ. Edge (u, v) is a tree edge if v was first discovered by exploring edge (u, v).

  2. Back edges are those edges (u, v) connecting a vertex u to an ancestor v in a depth-first tree. Self-loops, which may occur in directed graphs, are considered to be back edges.

  3. Forward edges are those nontree edges (u, v) connecting a vertex u to a descendant v in a depth-first tree.

  4. Cross edges are all other edges. They can go between vertices in the same depth-first tree, as long as one vertex is not an ancestor of the other, or they can go between vertices in different depth-first trees.

In Figures 22.4 and 22.5, edges are labeled to indicate their type. Figure 22.5(c) also shows how the graph of Figure 22.5(a) can be redrawn so that all tree and forward edges head downward in a depth-first tree and all back edges go up. Any graph can be redrawn in this fashion.

The DFS algorithm can be modified to classify edges as it encounters them. The key idea is that each edge (u, v) can be classified by the color of the vertex v that is reached when the edge is first explored (except that forward and cross edges are not distinguished):

  1. WHITE indicates a tree edge,

  2. GRAY indicates a back edge, and

  3. BLACK indicates a forward or cross edge.

The first case is immediate from the specification of the algorithm. For the second case, observe that the gray vertices always form a linear chain of descendants corresponding to the stack of active DFS-VISIT invocations; the number of gray vertices is one more than the depth in the depth-first forest of the vertex most recently discovered. Exploration always proceeds from the deepest gray vertex, so an edge that reaches another gray vertex reaches an ancestor. The third case handles the remaining possibility; it can be shown that such an edge (u, v) is a forward edge if d[u] < d[v] and a cross edge if d[u] > d[v].

In an undirected graph, there may be some ambiguity in the type classification, since (u, v) and (v, u) are really the same edge. In such a case, the edge is classified as the first type in the classification list that applies. Equivalently, the edge is classified according to whichever of (u, v) or (v, u) is encountered first during the execution of the algorithm.

We now show that forward and cross edges never occur in a depth-first search of an undirected graph.