Learning Issues

For an agent to use its experiences, the experiences must affect the agent's internal representation. Much of machine learning is studied in the context of particular representations (e.g., decision trees, neural networks, or case bases). This chapter presents some standard representations to show the common features behind learning.
Online and offline
In offline learning all of the training examples are available to an agent before it needs to act. In online learning training examples arrive as the agent is acting. An agent that learns online requires some representation of its previously seen examples before it has seen all of its examples. As new examples are observed, the agent must update its representation. Typically, an agent never sees all of its examples. Active learning a form of online learning in which the agent acts to acquire useful examples from which to learn. In active learning, the agent reasons about which examples would be useful to learn from and acts to collect these examples.
Measuring success
Learning is defined in terms of improving performance based on some measure. To know whether an agent has learned, we must define a measure of success. The measure is usually not how well the agent performs on the training experiences, but how well the agent performs for new experiences.

In classification, being able to correctly classify all training examples is not the problem. For example, consider the problem of predicting a Boolean feature based on a set of examples. Suppose that there were two agents P and N. Agent P claims that all of the negative examples seen were the only negative examples and that every other instance is positive. Agent N claims that the positive examples in the training set were the only positive examples and that every other instance is negative. Both of these agents correctly classify every example in the training set but disagree on every other example. Success in learning should not be judged on correctly classifying the training set but on being able to correctly classify unseen examples. Thus, the learner must generalize go beyond the specific given examples to classify unseen examples.

A standard way to measure success is to divide the examples into a training set and a test set. A representation is built using the training set, and then the predictive accuracy is measured on the test set. Of course, this is only an approximation of what is wanted; the real measure is its performance on some future task.

 tendency to prefer one hypothesis over another is called a bias Consider the agents N and P defined earlier. Saying that a hypothesis is better than N's or P's hypothesis is not something that is obtained from the data - both N and P accurately predict all of the data given - but is something external to the data. Without a bias, an agent will not be able to make any predictions on unseen examples. The hypotheses adopted by P and N disagree on all further examples, and, if a learning agent cannot choose some hypotheses as better, the agent will not be able to resolve this disagreement. To have any inductive process make predictions on unseen data, an agent requires a bias. What constitutes a good bias is an empirical question about which biases work best in practice; we do not imagine that either P's or N's biases work well in practice.
Learning as search
Given a representation and a bias, the problem of learning can be reduced to one of search. Learning is a search through the space of possible representations, trying to find the representation or representations that best fits the data given the bias. Unfortunately, the search spaces are typically prohibitively large for systematic search, except for the simplest of examples. Nearly all of the search techniques used in machine learning can be seen as forms of local search through a space of representations. The definition of the learning algorithm then becomes one of defining the search space, the evaluation function, and the search method.
In most real-world situations, the data are not perfect. Noise exists in the data (some of the features have been assigned the wrong value), there are inadequate features (the features given do not predict the classification), and often there are examples with missing features. One of the important properties of a learning algorithm is its ability to handle noisy data in all of its forms.
Interpolation and extrapolation
For cases in which there is a natural interpretation of "between," such as where the prediction is about time or space, interpolation making a prediction between cases for which there are data. Extrapolation making a prediction that goes beyond the seen examples. Extrapolation is usually much more inaccurate than interpolation. For example, in ancient astronomy, the Ptolemaic system and heliocentric system of Copernicus made detailed models of the movement of solar system in terms of epicycles (cycles within cycles). The parameters for the models could be made to fit the data very well and they were very good at interpolation; however, the models were very poor at extrapolation. As another example, it is often easy to predict a stock price on a certain day given data about the prices on the days before and the days after that day. It is very difficult to predict the price that a stock will be tomorrow, and it would be very profitable to be able to do so. An agent must be careful if its test cases mostly involve interpolating between data points, but the learned model is used for extrapolation.