N-queens Eample

N queens : Goal: Put n chess-game queens on an n x n board, with no two queens on the same row, column, or diagonal.
Chess board reconfigurations: Here, goal state is initially unknown but is specified by constraints that it must satisfy Hill climbing (or gradient ascent/descent)
Iteratively maximize “value” of current state, by replacing it by successor state that has highest value, as long as possible.
Note: minimizing a “value” function v(n) is equivalent to maximizing –v(n), thus both notions are used interchangeably.
Hill climbing – example: Complete state formulation for 8 queens

Successor function: move a single queen to another square in the same column
Cost: number of pairs that are attacking each other.
Minimization problem
Hill climbing (or gradient ascent/descent)
• Iteratively maximize “value” of current state, by replacing it by successor state that has highest value, as long as possible.
Note: minimizing a “value” function v(n) is equivalent to maximizing –v(n), thus both notions are used interchangeably.

  1. determine successors of current state
  2. choose successor of maximum goodness (break ties randomly)
  3. if goodness of best successor is less than current state's goodness, stop
  4. otherwise make best successor the current state and go to step 1

• No search tree is maintained, only the current state.
• Like greedy search, but only states directly reachable from the current state are considered.
• Problems:

Local maxima: Once the top of a hill is reached the algorithm will halt since every possible step leads down.
Plateaux: If the landscape is flat, meaning many states have the same goodness, algorithm degenerates to a random walk.
Ridges: If the landscape contains ridges, local improvements may follow a zigzag path up the ridge, slowing down the search.

  • Shape of state space landscape strongly influences the success of the search process. A very spiky surface which is flat in between the spikes will be very difficult to solve.
  • Can be combined with nondeterministic search to recover from local maxima.
  • Random-restart hill-climbing is a variant in which reaching a local maximum causes the current state to be saved and the search restarted from a random point. After several restarts, return the best state found. With enough restarts, this method will find the optimal solution.
  • Gradient descent is an inverted version of hill-climbing in which better states are represented by lower cost values. Local minima cause problems instead of local maxima.

Hill climbing - example
• Complete state formulation for 8 queens
– Successor function: move a single queen to another square in the same column
– Cost: number of pairs that are attacking each other.
• Minimization problem
• Problem: depending on initial state, may get stuck in local extremum.

Minimizing energy
• Compare our state space to that of a physical system that is subject to natural interactions
• Compare our value function to the overall potential energy E of the system.
• On every updating, we have DE ≤ 0

Hence the dynamics of the system tend to move E toward a minimum. We stress that there may be different such states — they are local minima. Global minimization is not guaranteed.