Rule Based Systems

Rule Based Systems: Instead of representing knowledge in a relatively declarative, static way (as a bunch of things that are true), rule-based system represent knowledge in terms of a bunch of rules that tell you what you should do or what you could conclude in different situations. A rule-based system consists of a bunch of IF-THEN rules, a bunch of facts, and some interpreter controlling the application of the rules, given the facts. Hence, this are also sometimes referred to as production systems. Such rules can be represented using Horn clause logic.

There are two broad kinds of rule system: forward chaining systems, and backward chaining systems. In a forward chaining system you start with the initial facts, and keep using the rules to draw new conclusions (or take certain actions) given those facts. In a backward chaining system you start with some hypothesis (or goal) you are trying to prove, and keep looking for rules that would allow you to conclude that hypothesis, perhaps setting new subgoals to prove as you go. Forward chaining systems are primarily data-driven, while backward chaining systems are goal-driven. We'll look at both, and when each might be useful.

Horn Clause Logic: There is an important special case where inference can be made substantially more focused than in the case of general resolution. This is the case where all the clauses are Horn clauses.
Definition: A Horn clause is a clause with at most one positive literal.

Any Horn clause therefore belongs to one of four categories:

  • A rule: 1 positive literal, at least 1 negative literal. A rule has the form "~P1 V ~P2 V ... V ~Pk V Q". This is logically equivalent to "[P1^P2^ ... ^Pk] => Q"; thus, an if-then implication with any number of conditions but one conclusion. Examples: "~man(X) V mortal(X)" (All men are mortal); "~parent(X,Y) V ~ancestor(Y,Z) V ancestor(X,Z)" (If X is a parent of Y and Y is an ancestor of Z then X is an ancestor of Z.)
  • A fact or unit: 1 positive literal, 0 negative literals. Examples: "man(socrates)", "parent(elizabeth,charles)", "ancestor(X,X)" (Everyone is an ancestor of themselves (in the trivial sense).)
  • A negated goal : 0 positive literals, at least 1 negative literal. In virtually all implementations of Horn clause logic, the negated goal is the negation of the statement to be proved; the knowledge base consists entirely of facts and goals. The statement to be proven, therefore, called the goal, is therefore a single unit or the conjuction of units; an existentially quantified variable in the goal turns into a free variable in the negated goal. E.g. If the goal to be proven is "exists (X) male(X) ^ ancestor(elizabeth,X)" (show that there exists a male descendent of Elizabeth) the negated goal will be "~male(X) V ~ancestor(elizabeth,X)".
  • The null clause: 0 positive and 0 negative literals. Appears only as the end of a resolution proof.

Now, if resolution is restricted to Horn clauses, some interesting properties appear. Some of these are evident; others I will just state and you can take on faith.

  1. If you resolve Horn clauses A and B to get clause C, then the positive literal of A will resolve against a negative literal in B, so the only positive literal left in C is the one from B (if any). Thus, the resolvent of two Horn clauses is a Horn clause.
  2. If you resolve a negated goal G against a fact or rule A to get clause C, the positive literal in A resolves against a negative literal in G. Thus C has no positive literal, and thus is either a negated goal or the null clause.
  3. Therefore: Suppose you are trying to prove Phi from Gamma, where ~Phi is a negated goal, and Gamma is a knowledge base of facts and rules. Suppose you use the set of support strategy, in which no resolution ever involves resolving two clauses from Gamma together. Then, inductively, every resolution combines a negated goal with a fact or rule from Gamma and generates a new negated goal. Moreover, if you take a resolution proof, and trace your way back from the null clause at the end to ~Phi at the beginning, since every resolution involves combining one negated goal with one clause from Gamma, it is clear that the sequence of negated goals involved can be linearly ordered. That is, the final proof, ignoring dead ends has the form
  4. Therefore, the process of generating the null clause can be viewed as a state space search where:
  • A state is a negated goal.
  • A operator on negated goal P is to resolve it with a clause C from Gamma.
  • The start state is ~Phi
  • The goal state is the null clause.

5. Moreover, it turns out that it doesn't really matter which literal in P you choose to resolve. All the literals in P will have to be resolved away eventually, and the order doesn't really matter. (This takes a little work to prove or even to state precisely, but if you work through a few examples, it becomes reasonably evident.)

Backward Chaining: Putting all the above together, we formulate the following non-deterministic algorithm for resolution in Horn theories. This is known as backward chaining.

  • If bc(~Phi,Gamma) succeeds, then Phi is a consequence of Gamma; if it fails, then Phi is not a consequence of Gamma.
  • Moreover: Suppose that Phi contains existentially quantified variables. As remarked above, when ~Phi is Skolemized, these become free variables. If you keep track of the successive bindings through the successful path of resolution, then the final bindings of these variables gives you a value for these variables; all proofs in Horn theories are constructive (assuming that function symbols in Gamma are constructive.) Thus the attempt to prove a statement like "exists(X,Y) p(X,Y)^q(X,Y)" can be interpreted as " Find X and Y such that p(X,Y) and q(X,Y)."
  • The succcessive negated goals Pi can be viewed as negations of subgoals of Phi. Thus, the operation of resolving ~P against C to get ~Q can be interpreted, "One way to prove P would be to prove Q and then use C to infer P". For instance, suppose P is "mortal(socrates)," C is "man(X) => mortal(X)" and Q is "man(socrates)." Then the step of resolving ~P against C to get ~Q can be viewed as, "One way to prove mortal(socrates) would to prove man(socrates) and then combine that with C."
  • Propositional Horn theories can be decided in polynomial time. First-order Horn theories are only semi-decidable, but in practice, resolution over Horn theories runs much more efficiently than resolution over general first-order theories, because of the much restricted search space used in the above algorithm.
  • Backward chaining is complete for Horn clauses. If Phi is a consequence of Gamma, then there is a backward-chaining proof of Phi from Gamma.