Artificial Intelligence

Situation-space Planning Algorithms

Situation-Space Planning Algorithms: There are 2 approaches to situation-space planning:

  1. Progression situation-space planning
  2. Regression situation-space planning

Progression Planning:

  • Forward-chaining from initial state to goal state
  • Looks just like a state-space search except STRIPS operators are specified instead of a set of next-move functions
  • You can use any search method you like (i.e. BFS, DFS, A*)
  • Disadvantage: huge search space to explore, so usually very inefficient


  1. Start from initial state
  2. Find all operators whose preconditions are true in the initial state
  3. Compute effects of operators to generate successor states
  4. Repeat steps #2-#3 until a new state satisfies the goal conditions

The work through of the progression algorithm for the Blocks World example is shown below: