Syntax Of Propositional Calculus

Introduction: A proposition is a sentence, written in a language, that has a truth value (i.e., it is true or false) in a world. A proposition is built from atomic propositions using logical connectives.

An atomic proposition, or just an atom, is a symbol (page 114) that starts with a lower-case letter. Intuitively, an atom is something that is true or false. For example, ai is fun, lit l1, live outside, and sunny can all be atoms. In terms of the algebraic variables of the preceding chapter, an atom can be seen as a statement that a variable has a particular value or that the value is in a set of values. For example, the proposition classtimeAfter3 may mean ClassTime > 3, which is true when the variable ClassTime has value greater than 3 and is false otherwise. It is traditional in propositional calculus not to make the variable explicit and we follow that tradition. A direct connection exists to Boolean variables (page 113), which are variables with domain {true, false}. An assignment X = true is written as the proposition x, using the variable name, but in lower case. So the proposition happy can mean there exists a Boolean variable Happy, where happy means Happy = true. Propositions can be built from simpler propositions using logical connectives.
A proposition is either

  • an atomic proposition or
  • a compound proposition of the form

¬p (read “not p”)—the negation of p
p ∧ q (read “p and q”)—the conjunction of p and q
p ∨ q (read “p or q”)—the disjunction of p and q
p → q (read “p implies q”)—the implication of q from p
p ← q (read “p if q”)—the implication of p from q
p ↔ q (read “p if and only if q” or “p is equivalent to q”)

where p and q are propositions.
The precedence of the operators is in the order they are given above. That is, a compound proposition can be disambiguated by adding parentheses to

the subexpressions in the order the operations are defined above. Thus, for
¬a ∨ b ∧ c → d∧¬e ∨ f
is an abbreviation for
((¬a) ∨ (b ∧ c)) → ((d ∧ (¬e)) ∨ f ).