Artificial Intelligence

Unsupervised Clustering: Learning Mixtures Of Gaussians

Unsupervised clustering: Learning mixtures of Gaussians
Unsupervised clustering is the problem of discerning multiple categories in a collection of objects. The problem is unsupervised because the category labels are not given. For example, suppose we record the spectra of a hundred thousand stars; are there different types of stars revealed by the spectra, and, if so, how many and what are their characteristics? We are all familiar with terms such as “red giant” and “white dwarf,” but the stars do not carry these labels on their hats—astronomers had to perform unsupervised clustering to identify these categories. Other examples include the identification of species, genera, orders, and so on in the Linnæan taxonomy of organisms and the creation of natural kinds to categorize ordinary objects.

Unsupervised clustering begins with data. Figure 20.8(a) shows 500 data points, each of which specifies the values of two continuous attributes. The data points might correspond to stars, and the attributes might correspond to spectral intensities at two particular frequencies. Next, we need to understand what kind of probability distribution might have generated the data. Clustering presumes that the data are generated from a mixture distribution, P. Such a distribution has k components, each of which is a distribution in its own right. A data point is generated by first choosing a component and then generating a sample from that component. Let the random variable C denote the component, with values 1; : : : ; k; then the mixture

Figure 20.8 (a) 500 data points in two dimensions, suggesting the presence of three clusters. (b) A Gaussian mixture model with three components; the weights (left-to-right) are 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5. The data in (a) were generated from this model. (c) The model reconstructed by EM from the data in (b).

distribution is given by

where x refers to the values of the attributes for a data point. For continuous data, a natural choice for the component distributions is the multivariate Gaussian, which gives the so-called mixture of Gaussians family of distributions. The parameters of a mixture of Gaussians are wi =P(C =i) (the weight of each component), i (the mean of each component), and i (the covariance of each component). Figure 20.8(b) shows a mixture of three Gaussians; this mixture is in fact the source of the data in (a).
The unsupervised clustering problem, then, is to recover a mixture model like the one in Figure 20.8(b) from raw data like that in Figure 20.8(a). Clearly, if we knew which component generated each data point, then it would be easy to recover the component Gaussians: we could just select all the data points from a given component and then apply (a multivariate version of) Equation (20.4) for fitting the parameters of a Gaussian to a set of data. On the other hand, if we knew the parameters of each component, then we could, at least in a probabilistic sense, assign each data point to a component. The problem is that we know neither the assignments nor the parameters.
The basic idea of EM in this context is to pretend that we know the the parameters of the model and then to infer the probability that each data point belongs to each component. After that, we refit the components to the data, where each component is fitted to the entire data set with each point weighted by the probability that it belongs to that component. The process iterates until convergence. Essentially, we are “completing” the data by inferring probability distributions over the hidden variables—which component each data point belongs to—based on the current model. For the mixture of Gaussians, we initialize the mixture model parameters arbitrarily and then iterate the following two steps:

1. E-step: Compute the probabilities , the probability that datum xj was generated by component i. By Bayes’ rule, we have . The term P(xj l C =i) is just the probability at xj of the ith Gaussian, and the term P(C =i) is just the weight parameter for the ith Gaussian. Define
2. M-step: Compute the new mean, covariance, and component weights as follows:

  • The E-step, or expectation step, can be viewed as computing the expected values pij of the hidden indicator variables Zij , where Zij is 1 if datum xj was generated by the ith component and 0 otherwise. The M-step, or maximization step, finds the new values of the parameters that maximize the log likelihood of the data, given the expected values of the hidden indicator variables.
  • The final model that EM learns when it is applied to the data in Figure 20.8(a) is shown in Figure 20.8(c); it is virtually indistinguishable from the original model from which the data were generated. Figure 20.9(a) plots the log likelihood of the data according to the current model as EM progresses. There are two points to notice. First, the log likelihood for the final learned model slightly exceeds that of the original model, from which the data were generated. This might seem surprising, but it simply reflects the fact that the data were generated randomly and might not provide an exact reflection of the underlying model. The second point is that EM increases the log likelihood of the data at every iteration. This fact can be proved in general. Furthermore, under certain conditions, EM can be proven to reach a local maximum in likelihood. (In rare cases, it could reach a saddle point or even a local minimum.) In this sense, EM resembles a gradient-based hill-climbing algorithm, but notice that it has no “step size” parameter!
  • Things do not always go as well as Figure 20.9(a) might suggest. It can happen, for example, that one Gaussian component shrinks so that it covers just a single data point. Then its variance will go to zero and its likelihood will go to infinity! Another problem is that two components can “merge,” acquiring identical means and variances and sharing their data points. These kinds of degenerate local maxima are serious problems, especially in high dimensions. One solution is to place priors on the model parameters and to apply the MAP version of EM. Another is to restart a component with new random parameters if it gets too small or too close to another component. It also helps to initialize the parameters with reasonable values.