- A
- Acids, 70
- Application of design, 50
- C
- Clean outline, 54
- Colour groups, 64
- Colour relation, 73
- Composition of colour, the, 69
- “Crackle,” 37, 62
- D
- Difference in methods, 2
- Different kinds of tjantings, 19
- Dijesselhof, 27
- Dutch artists of fame, 25
- Dyes, 40
- Dyes and dye manufacturers, 70
- Dye tubs, 41
- E
- European use of batik, 29
- Extracting colour, 66
- F
- Fabrics, 41
- Folding material, 51
- G
- Gasoline, 56
- Gasoline economy, 58
- H
- Handling the tjanting, 54
- Head-dress, 4
- Heating apparatus, 39
- History, 24
- J
- Javanese costume, 3
- Javanese design, 5
- K
- Kains, 3
- L
- Lebeau, 27
- M
- Matching colours, 72
- N
- Native industry, 13
- Native process, 15
- P
- Painting in colours, 63
- Precautions, 57
- Preparing brushes, 36
- Preparation of material, 50
- Preventing the wax from sticking, 53
- Price of native tjanting, 20, 44
- Primary and secondary colours, 69
- R
- Redrawing of design, 52
- Removing stain, 40
- Rewaxing, 62
- Rinsing, 61
- S
- Slendang, 4
- Streaks in dyeing, 61
- T
- Temperature of dye-bath, 59
- Tertiary colours, 71
- Tjantings, 32
- Tjaps, 7
- U
- Use of brush, 36
- Use of too much dye, the, 60
- W
- Wax mixtures, 37
Illustrations in this eBook have been positioned between paragraphs and outside quotations. In versions of this eBook that support hyperlinks, the page references in the List of Illustrations lead to the corresponding illustrations.
Illustrations without captions have had a description added, this is denoted with parentheses.
The index was not checked for proper alphabetization or correct page references.
Obvious typographical errors and punctuation errors have been corrected after careful comparison with other occurrences within the text and consultation of external sources.
Some hyphens in words have been silently removed, some added, when a predominant preference was found in the original book.
Except for those changes noted below, all misspellings in the text, and inconsistent or archaic usage, have been retained.
Pg 4: “kapale” replace by “kapala”
Pg 16: “houshold” replace by “household”
Pg 57: Added missing word “after” in the phrase “lighted match immediately after the vessel containing the gasoline”
Pg 59: Removed duplicate “or” from “46° Centigrade or or 36° Reaumur”