Introduction To Time Domain Analysis

Typical test signals:

The commonly used test input signals are those of step functions, ramp functions, acceleration functions, impulse functions, sinusoidal functions and the like. With these test signals, mathematical and experimental analyses of control systems can be carried out easily since the signals are very simple functions of time.

Which of these typical input signals to use for analyzing system characteristics may be determined by the form of the input that the system will be subjected to most frequently under normal operation. If the inputs to a control system are gradually changing functions of time, then a ramp function of time may be a good test signal.

Similarly, if a system is subjected to sudden disturbances, a step function of time may be a good test signal; and for a system subjected to shock inputs, an impulse function may be best. Once a control system is designed on the basis of test signals, the performance of the system in response to actual inputs is generally satisfactory. The use of such test signals enables one to compare the performance of all systems on the same basis.


Transient response and steady-state response:

The time response of a control system consists of two parts: the transient and the steady-state response. By transient response, we mean that which goes from the initial state to the final state. By steady-state response, we mean the manner in which the system output behaves as t approaches infinity.


Absolute stability, relative stability, and steady-state error:

In designing a control system, we must be able to predict the dynamic behavior of the system from a knowledge of the components. The most important characteristic of the dynamic behavior of a control system is absolute stability, that is, whether the system is stable or unstable. A control system is in equilibrium if, in the absence of any disturbance or input, the output stays in the same state.

A linear time-invariant control system is stable if the output eventually comes back to its equilibrium state when the system is subjected to an initial condition. A linear time-invariant control system is critically stable if oscillations of the output continue forever. It is unstable if the output diverges without bound from its equilibrium state when the system is subjected to an initial condition.

Actually, the output of a physical system may increase to a certain extent but may be limited by mechanical "stops," or the system may break down or become nonlinear after the output exceeds a certain magnitude so that the linear differential equations no longer apply. Important system behavior (other than absolute stability) to which we must give careful consideration includes relative stability and steady-state error.

Since a physical control system involves energy storage, the output of the system, when subjected to an input, cannot follow the input immediately but exhibits a transient response before a steady state can be reached. The transient response of a practical control system often exhibits damped oscillations before reaching a steady state.

If the output of a system at steady state does not exactly agree with the input, the system is said to have steady-state error. This error is indicative of the accuracy of the system. In analyzing a control system, we must examine transient-response behavior and steady-state behavior.