Mathematical Modeling Of Dynamic Systems

Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Systems

A mathematical model of a dynamic system is defined as a set of equations that represents the dynamics of the system accurately or, at least, fairly well. Note that a mathematical model is not unique to a given system. A system may be represented in many different ways and, therefore, may have many mathematical models, depending on one's perspective.

The dynamics of many systems, whether they are mechanical, electrical, thermal, economic, biological, and so on, may be described in terms of differential equations. Such differential equations may be obtained by using physical laws governing a particular system, for example, Newton's laws for mechanical systems and Kirchhoff's laws for electrical systems. We must always keep in mind that deriving a reasonable mathematical model is the most important part of the entire analysis.


Mathematical models:

 Mathematical models may assume many different forms. Depending on the particular system and the particular circumstances, one mathematical model may be better suited than other models. For example, in optimal control problems, it is advantageous to use state-space representations. On the other hand, for the transient-response or frequency-response analysis of single-input-single-output, linear time-invariant systems, the transfer function representation may be more convenient than any other. Once a mathematical model of a system is obtained, various analytical and computer tools can be used for analysis and synthesis purposes.


Simplicity versus accuracy:

 It is possible to improve the accuracy of a mathematical model by increasing its complexity. In some cases, we include hundreds of equations to describe a complete system. In obtaining a mathematical model, however, we must make a compromise between the simplicity of the model and the accuracy of the results of the analysis. If extreme accuracy is not needed, however, it is preferable to obtain only a reasonably simplified model. In fact, we are generally satisfied if we can obtain a mathematical model that is adequate for the problem under consideration. It is important to note, however, that the results obtained from the analysis are valid only to the extent that the model approximates a given dynamic system.

In deriving a reasonably simplified mathematical model, we frequently find it necessary to ignore certain inherent physical properties of the system. In particular, if a linear lumped-parameter mathematical model (that is, one employing ordinary differential equations) is desired, it is always necessary to ignore certain nonlinearities and distributed parameters (that is, ones giving rise to partial differential equations) that may be present in the physical system. If the effects that these ignored properties have on the response are small, good agreements will be obtained between the results of the analysis of a mathematical model and the results of the experimental study of the physical system.

In general, in solving a new problem, we find it desirable first to build a simplified model so that we can get a general feeling for the solution. A more complete mathematical model may then be built and used for a more complete analysis. We must be well aware of the fact that a linear lumped-parameter model, which may be valid in low-frequency operations, may not be valid at sufficiently high frequencies since the neglected property of distributed parameters may become an important factor in the dynamic behavior of the system. For example, the mass of a spring may be neglected in low-frequency operations, but it becomes an important property of the system at high frequencies.


Linear systems:

 A system is called linear if the principle of superposition applies. The principle of superposition states that the response produced by the simultaneous application of two different forcing functions is the sum of the two individual responses. Hence, for the linear system, the response to several inputs can be calculated by treating one input at a time and adding the results. It is this principle that allows one to build up complicated solutions to the linear differential equation from simple solutions. In an experimental investigation of a dynamic system, if cause and effect are proportional, thus implying that the principle of superposition holds, then the system can be considered linear.


Linear time-invariant systems and linear time-varying systems:

 A differential equation is linear if the coefficients are constants or functions only of the independent variable. Dynamic systems that are composed of linear time-invariant lumped-parameter components may be described by linear time-invariant (constant coefficient) differential equations. Such systems are called linear time-invariant (or linear constant-coefficient) systems. Systems that are represented by differential equations whose coefficients are functions of time are called linear time-varying systems. An example of a time-varying control system is a spacecraft control system. (The mass of a spacecraft changes due to fuel consumption.)