Control Systems - 1

N Circles

Constant phase-angle loci (N-circles):




Fig: 2 (a) G(jω) locus superimposed on a family of M circles; (b) G(jω) locus superimposed on a family of N circles; (c) closed-loop frequency-response curves.


The use of the M and N circles enables us to find the entire closed-loop frequency response from the open-loop frequency response G(jω) without calculating the magnitude and phase of the closed-loop transfer function at each frequency. The intersections of the G(jω) locus and the M circles and N circles gives the values of M and N at frequency points on the G(jω) locus.

The N circles are multivalued in the sense that the circle for α = α1 and that for α = α1 ± 1800 n (n = 1,2, ...) are the same. In using the N circles for the determination of the phase angle of closed-loop systems, we must interpret the proper value of a. To avoid any error, start at zero frequency, which corresponds to α = 0°, and proceed to higher frequencies. The phase-angle curve must be continuous. Graphically, the intersections of the G(jω) locus and M circles give the values of M at the frequencies denoted on the G(jω) locus.

Thus, the constant M circle with the smallest radius that is tangent to the G(jω) locus gives the value of the resonant peak magnitude Mr. If it is desired to keep the resonant peak value less than a certain value, then the system should not enclose the critical point (-1 j0 point) and, at the same time, there should be no intersections with the particular M circle and the G(jω) locus.

Figure 2(a) shows the G(jω) locus superimposed on a family of M circles. Figure 2(b) shows the G(jω) locus superimposed on a family of N circles. From these plots, it is possible to obtain the closed-loop frequency response by inspection. It is seen that the M = 1.1 circle intersects the G(jω) locus at frequency point ω = ω1. This means that at this frequency the magnitude of the closed-loop transfer function is 1.1.

In Figure 2(a), the M = 2 circle is just tangent to the G(jω) locus. Thus, there is only one point on the G(jω) locus for which |C(jω)/R(jω)| is equal to 2. Figure 2(c) shows the closed loop frequency-response curve for the system. The upper curve is the M versus frequency ω curve, and the lower curve is the phase angle α versus frequency ω curve.

The resonant peak value is the value of M corresponding to the M circle of smallest radius that is tangent to the G(jω) locus. Thus, in the Nyquist diagram, the resonant peak value Mr and the resonant frequency ωr can be found from the M-circle tangency to the G(jω) locus. (In the present example, Mr = 2 and ωr = ω4.)