The Gain In Bode Diagrams

he Gain in Bode diagrams

A number greater than unity has a positive value in decibels, while a number smaller than unity has a negative value. The log-magnitude curve for a constant gain K is a horizontal straight line at the magnitude of 20 log K decibels.

The phase angle of the gain K is zero. The effect of varying the gain K in the transfer function is that it raises or lowers the log-magnitude curve of the transfer function by the corresponding constant amount, but it has no effect on the phase curve.

A number-decibel conversion line is given in Figure 8-3.The decibel value of any number can be obtained from this line. As a number increases by a factor of 10, the corresponding decibel value increases by a factor of 20. This may be seen from the following:




Fig: 1 Number-decibel conversion line.


Note that, when expressed in decibels, the reciprocal of a number differs from its value only in sign; that is, for the number K,