Associative Classification: Classification By Association Rule Analysis

Introduction: Frequent patterns and their corresponding association or correlation rules characterize interesting relationships between attribute conditions and class labels, and thus have been recently used for effective classification. Association rules show strong associations between attribute-value pairs (or items) that occur frequently in a given data set. Association rules are commonly used to analyze the purchasing patterns of customers in a store. Such analysis is useful in many decision-making processes, such as product placement, catalog design, and cross-marketing. The discovery of association rules is based on frequent itemset mining. In this section, we look at associative classification, where association rules are generated and analyzed for use in classification.

  • The general idea is that we can search for strong associations between frequent patterns (conjunctions of attribute-value pairs) and class labels. Because association rules explore highly confident associations among multiple attributes, this approach may overcome some constraints introduced by decision-tree induction, which considers only one attribute at a time. In many studies, associative classification has been found to be more accurate than some traditional classification methods, such as C4.5. In particular, we study three main methods: CBA, CMAR, and CPAR.
  • Before we begin, let’s look at association rule mining, in general. Association rules are mined in a two-step process consisting of frequent itemset mining, followed by rule generation. The first step searches for patterns of attribute-value pairs that occur repeatedly in a data set, where each attribute-value pair is considered an item. The resulting attribute value pairs form frequent itemsets. The second step analyzes the frequent itemsets in order to generate association rules. All association rules must satisfy certain criteria regarding their “accuracy” (or confidence) and the proportion of the data set that they actually represent (referred to as support). For example, the following is an association rule mined from a data set, D, shown with its confidence and support.

Methods of associative classification differ primarily in the approach used for frequent itemset mining and in how the derived rules are analyzed and used for classification. We now look at some of the various methods for associative classification.

  • One of the earliest and simplest algorithms for associative classification is CBA (Classification-Based Association). CBA uses an iterative approach to frequent itemset mining, similar to that described for A priori in Section 5.2.1, where multiple passes are made over the data and the derived frequent itemsets are used to generate and test longer itemsets. In general, the number of passes made is equal to the length of the longest rule found. The complete set of rules satisfying minimum confidence and minimum support thresholds are found and then analyzed for inclusion in the classifier. CBA uses a heuristic method to construct the classifier, where the rules are organized according to decreasing precedence based on their confidence and support. If a set of rules has the same antecedent, then the rule with the highest confidence is selected to represent the set. When classifying a new tuple, the first rule satisfying the tuple is used to classify it.
  • The classifier also contains a default rule, having lowest precedence, which specifies a default class for any new tuple that is not satisfied by any other rule in the classifier. In this way, the set of rules making up the classifier forma decision list. In general, CBA was empirically found to be more accurate than C4.5 on a good number of data sets.
  • CMAR (Classification based on Multiple Association Rules) differs from CBA in its strategy for frequent itemset mining and its construction of the classifier. It also employs several rule pruning strategies with the help of a tree structure for efficient storage and retrieval of rules. CMAR adopts a variant of the FP-growth algorithm to find the complete set of rules satisfying the minimum confidence and minimum support thresholds. FP-growth was described in Section 5.2.4. FP-growth uses a tree structure, called an FP-tree, to register all of the frequent itemset information contained in the given data set, D. This requires only two scans of D. The frequent itemsets are then mined from the FP-tree. CMAR uses an enhanced FP-tree that maintains the distribution of class labels among tuples satisfying each frequent itemset. In this way, it is able to combine rule generation together with frequent itemset mining in a single step.
  • CMAR employs another tree structure to store and retrieve rules efficiently and to prune rules based on confidence, correlation, and database coverage. Rule pruning strategies are triggered whenever a rule is inserted into the tree. For example, given two rules, R1 and R2, if the antecedent of R1 is more general than that of R2 and conf (R1) ≥ conf(R2), then R2 is pruned. The rationale is that highly specialized rules with low confidence can be pruned if a more generalized version with higher confidence exists. CMAR also prunes rules for which the rule antecedent and class are not positively correlated, based on a c2 test of statistical significance.