Data Mining & Data Warehousing

Data Discretization And Concept Hierarchy Generation

Introduction: It is difficult and laborious to specify concept hierarchies for numerical attributes because of the wide diversity of possible data ranges and the frequent updates of data values. Such manual specification can also be quite arbitrary.

Concept hierarchies for numerical attributes can be constructed automatically based on data discretization. We examine the following methods: binning, histogram analysis, entropy-based discretization, c2-merging, cluster analysis, and discretization by intuitive partitioning. In general, each method assumes that the values to be discretized are sorted in ascending order.


Binning is a top-down splitting technique based on a specified number of bins. Section 2.3.2 discussed binning methods for data smoothing. These methods are also used as discretization methods for numerosity reduction and concept hierarchy generation. For example, attribute values can be discretized by applying equal-width or equal-frequency binning, and then replacing each bin value by the bin mean or median, as in smoothing by bin means or smoothing by bin medians, respectively. These techniques can be applied recursively to the resulting partitions in order to generate concept hierarchies. Binning does not use class information and is therefore an unsupervised discretization technique. It is sensitive to the user-specified number of bins, as well as the presence of outliers.

Histogram Analysis

Like binning, histogram analysis is an unsupervised discretization technique because it does not use class information. Histograms partition the values for an attribute, A, into disjoint ranges called buckets. Histograms were introduced in Section 2.2.3. Partitioning rules for defining histograms were described in Section 2.5.4. In an equal-width histogram, for example, the values are partitioned into equal-sized partitions or ranges (such as in Figure 2.19 for price, where each bucket has a width of $10). With an equal frequency histogram, the values are partitioned so that, ideally, each partition contains the same number of data tuples. The histogram analysis algorithm can be applied recursively to each partition in order to automatically generate a multilevel concept hierarchy, with the procedure terminating once a pre-specified number of concept levels has been reached. A minimum interval size can also be used per level to control the recursive procedure. This specifies the minimum width of a partition, or the minimum number of values for each partition at each level. Histograms can also be partitioned based on cluster analysis of the data distribution, as described below.

Entropy-Based Discretization

Entropy is one of the most commonly used discretization measures. It was first introduced by Claude Shannon in pioneering work on information theory and the concept of information gain. Entropy-based discretization is a supervised, top-down splitting technique. It explores class distribution information in its calculation and determination of split-points (data values for partitioning an attribute range). To discretize a numerical attribute, A, the method selects the value of A that has the minimum entropy as a split-point, and recursively partitions the resulting intervals to arrive at a hierarchical discretization. Such discretization forms a concept hierarchy for A.

Cluster Analysis

Cluster analysis is a popular data discretization method. A clustering algorithm can be applied to discretize a numerical attribute, A, by partitioning the values of A into clusters or groups. Clustering takes the distribution of A into consideration, as well as the closeness of data points, and therefore is able to produce high-quality discretization results. Clustering can be used to generate a concept hierarchy for A by following either a top down splitting strategy or a bottom-up merging strategy, where each cluster forms a node of the concept hierarchy. In the former, each initial cluster or partition may be further decomposed into several sub clusters, forming a lower level of the hierarchy. In the latter, clusters are formed by repeatedly grouping neighboring clusters in order to form higher-level concepts.