Data Mining For Biological Data Analysis

Introduction: The past decade has seen an explosive growth in genomics, proteomics, functional genomics, and biomedical research. Examples range from the identification and comparative analysis of the genomes of human and other species (by discovering sequencing patterns, gene functions, and evolution paths) to the investigation of genetic networks and protein pathways, and the development of new pharmaceuticals and advances in cancer therapies. Biological data mining has become an essential part of a new research field called bioinformatics. Since the field of biological data mining is broad, rich, and dynamic, it is impossible to cover such an important and flourishing theme in one subsection.

Here we outline only a few interesting topics in this field, with an emphasis on genomic and proteomic data analysis. A comprehensive introduction to biological data mining could fill several books. A good set of bioinformatics and biological data analysis books have already been published, and more are expected to come. References are provided in our bibliographic notes.

DNA sequences form the foundation of the genetic codes of all living organisms. All DNA sequences are comprised of four basic building blocks, called nucleotides: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). These four nucleotides (or bases) are combined to form long sequences or chains that resemble a twisted ladder. The DNA carry the information and biochemical machinery that can be copied from generation to generation. During the processes of “copying,” insertions, deletions, or mutations (also called substitutions) of nucleotides are introduced into the DNA sequence, forming different evolution paths. A gene usually comprises hundreds of individual nucleotides arranged in a particular order. The nucleotides can be ordered and sequenced in an almost unlimited number of ways to form distinct genes. A genome is the complete set of genes of an organism. The human genome is estimated to contain around 20,000 to 25,000 genes. Genomics is the analysis of genome sequences.

Proteins are essential molecules for any organism. They perform life functions and make up the majority of cellular structures. The approximately 25,000 human genes give rise to about 1 million proteins through a series of translational modifications and gene splicing mechanisms. Amino acids (or residues) are the building blocks of proteins. There are 20 amino acids, denoted by 20 different letters of the alphabet. Each of the amino acids is coded for by one or more triplets of nucleotides making up DNA. The end of the chain is coded for by another set of triplets. Thus, a linear string or sequence of DNA is translated into a sequence of amino acids, forming a protein (Figure 11.1). A proteome is the complete set of protein molecules present in a cell, tissue, or organism. Proteomics is the study of proteome sequences. Proteomes are dynamic, changing from minute to minute in response to tens of thousands of intra- and extracellular environmental signals.

Chemical properties of the amino acids cause the protein chains to fold up into specific three-dimensional structures. This three-dimensional folding of the chain determines the biological function of a protein. Genes make up only about2%of the human genome. The remainder consists of non coding regions. Recent studies have found that a lot of non coding DNA sequences may also have played crucial roles in protein generation and species evolution.

The identification of DNA or amino acid sequence patterns that play roles in various biological functions, genetic diseases, and evolution is challenging. This requires a great deal of research in computational algorithms, statistics, mathematical programming, data mining, machine learning, information retrieval, and other disciplines to develop effective genomic and proteomic data analysis tools.

Data mining may contribute to biological data analysis in the following aspects:

Semantic integration of heterogeneous, distributed genomic and proteomic databases: Genomic and proteomic data sets are often generated at different labs and by different methods. They are distributed, heterogenous, and of a wide variety. The semantic integration of such data is essential to the cross-site analysis of biological data. Moreover, it is important to find correct linkages between research literature and their associated biological entities. Such integration and linkage analysis would facilitate the systematic and coordinated analysis of genome and biological data. This has promoted the development of integrated data warehouses and distributed federated databases to store and manages the primary and derived biological data. Data cleaning, data integration, reference reconciliation, classification, and clustering methods will facilitate the integration of biological data and the construction of data warehouses for biological data analysis.