Data Mining For Intrusion Detection

Introduction: The security of our computer systems and data is at continual risk. The extensive growth of the Internet and increasing availability of tools and tricks for intruding and attacking networks have prompted intrusion detection to become a critical component of network administration. An intrusion can be defined as any set of actions that threaten the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of a network resource (such as user accounts, file systems, system kernels, and so on).

Most commercial intrusion detection systems are limiting and do not provide a complete solution. Such systems typically employ a misuse detection strategy. Misuse detection searches for patterns of program or user behavior that match known intrusion scenarios, which are stored as signatures. These hand-coded signatures are laboriously provided by human experts based on their extensive knowledge of intrusion techniques. If a pattern match is found, this signals an event for which an alarm is raised. Human security analysts evaluate the alarms to decide what action to take, whether it is shutting down part of the system, alerting the relevant Internet service provider of suspicious traffic, or simply noting unusual traffic for future reference. An intrusion detection system for a large complex network can typically generate thousands or millions of alarms per day, representing an overwhelming task for the security analysts. Because systems are not static, the signatures need to be updated whenever new software versions arrive or changes in network configuration occur. An additional, major drawback is that misuse detection can only identify cases that match the signatures. That is, it is unable to detect new or previously unknown intrusion techniques.

Novel intrusions may be found by anomaly detection strategies. Anomaly detection builds models of normal network behavior (called profiles), which it uses to detect new patterns that significantly deviate from the profiles. Such deviations may represent actual intrusions or simply be new behaviors that need to be added to the profiles. The main advantage of anomaly detection is that it may detect novel intrusions that have not yet been observed. Typically, a human analyst must sort through the deviations to ascertain which represent real intrusions. A limiting factor of anomaly detection is the high percentage of false positives. New patterns of intrusion can be added to the set of signatures for misuse detection.

As we can see from this discussion, current traditional intrusion detection systems face many limitations. This has led to an increased interest in data mining for intrusion detection. The following are areas in which data mining technology may be applied or further developed for intrusion detection:

Development of data mining algorithms for intrusion detection: Data mining algorithms can be used for misuse detection and anomaly detection. In misuse detection, training data are labeled as either “normal” or “intrusion.” A classifier can then be derived to detect known intrusions. Research in this area has included the application of classification algorithms, association rule mining, and cost-sensitive modeling. Anomaly detection builds models of normal behavior and automatically detects significant deviations from it. Supervised or unsupervised learning can be used. In a supervised approach, the model is developed based on training data that are known to be “normal.” In an unsupervised approach, no information is given about the training data. Anomaly detection research has included the application of classification algorithms, statistical approaches, clustering, and outlier analysis. The techniques used must be efficient and scalable, and capable of handling network data of high volume, dimensionality, and heterogeneity.

 Association and correlation analysis, and aggregation to help select and build discriminating attributes: Association and correlation mining can be applied to find relationships between system attributes describing the network data. Such information can provide insight regarding the selection of useful attributes for intrusion detection. New attributes derived from aggregated data may also be helpful, such as summary counts of traffic matching a particular pattern.

Analysis of stream data: Due to the transient and dynamic nature of intrusions and malicious attacks, it is crucial to perform intrusion detection in the data stream environment. Moreover, an event may be normal on its own, but considered malicious if viewed as part of a sequence of events. Thus it is necessary to study what sequences of events are frequently encountered together, find sequential patterns, and identify outliers. Other data mining methods for finding evolving clusters and building dynamic classification models in data streams are also necessary for real-time intrusion detection.

Distributed data mining: Intrusions can be launched from several different locations and targeted to many different destinations. Distributed data mining methods may be used to analyze network data from several network locations in order to detect these distributed attacks.

Visualization and querying tools: Visualization tools should be available for viewing any anomalous patterns detected. Such tools may include features for viewing associations, clusters, and outliers. Intrusion detection systems should also have a graphical user interface that allows security analysts to pose queries regarding the network data or intrusion detection results.