Data Mining System Products And Research Prototypes

Introduction: Although data mining is a relatively young field with many issues that still need to be researched in depth, many off-the-shelf data mining system products and domain specific data mining application softwares are available. As a discipline, data mining has a relatively short history and is constantly evolving—new data mining systems appear on the market every year; new functions, features, and visualization tools are added to existing systems on a constant basis; and efforts toward the standardization of data mining language are still underway. Therefore, it is not our intention in this book to provide a detailed description of commercial data mining systems. Instead, we describe the features to consider when selecting a data mining product and offer a quick introduction to a few typical data mining systems. Reference articles, websites, and recent surveys of data mining systems are listed in the bibliographic notes.

Choosing a Data Mining System: With many data mining system products available on the market, you may ask, “What kind of system should I choose?” Some people may be under the impression that data mining systems, like many commercial relational database systems, share the same well defined operations and a standard query language, and behave similarly on common functionalities. If such were the case, the choice would depend more on the systems’ hardware platform, compatibility, robustness, scalability, price, and service. Unfortunately, this is far from reality. Many commercial data mining systems have little in common with respect to data mining functionality or methodology and may even work withcompletely different kinds of data sets.

To choose a data mining system that is appropriate for your task, it is important to have a multidimensional view of data mining systems. In general, data mining systems should be assessed based on the following multiple features:

Data types: Most data mining systems that are available on the market handle formatted, record-based, relational-like data with numerical, categorical, and symbolic attributes. The data could be in the form of ASCII text, relational database data, or data warehouse data. It is important to check what exact format(s) each system you are considering can handle. Some kinds of data or applications may require specialized algorithms to search for patterns, and so their requirements may not be handled by off-the-shelf, generic data mining systems. Instead, specialized data mining systems may be used, which mine either text documents, geospatial data, multimedia data, stream data, time-series data, biological data, or Web data, or are dedicated to specific applications (such as finance, the retail industry, or telecommunications). Moreover, many data mining companies offer customized data mining solutions that incorporate essential data mining functions or methodologies.

System issues: A given data mining system may run on only one operating system or on several. The most popular operating systems that host data mining software are UNIX/Linux and Microsoft Windows. There are also data mining systems that run on Macintosh, OS/2, and others. Large industry-oriented data mining systems often adopt a client/server architecture, where the client could be a personal computer, and the server could be a set of powerful parallel computers. A recent trend has data mining systems providing Web-based interfaces and allowing XML data as input and/or output.

Data sources: This refers to the specific data formats on which the data mining system will operate. Some systems work only on ASCII text files, whereas many others work on relational data, or data warehouse data, accessing multiple relational data sources. It is important that a data mining system supports ODBC connections or OLE DB for ODBC connections. These ensure open database connections, that is, the ability to access any relational data (including those in IBM/DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, Sybase, etc.), as well as formatted ASCII text data.

Data mining functions and methodologies: Data mining functions form the core of a data mining system. Some data mining systems provide only one data mining function, such as classification. Others may support multiple data mining functions, such as concept description, discovery-driven OLAP analysis, association mining, linkage analysis, statistical analysis, classification, prediction, clustering, outlier analysis, similarity search, sequential pattern analysis, and visual data mining. For a given data mining function (such as classification), some systems may support only one method, whereas others may support a wide variety of methods (such as decision tree analysis, Bayesian networks, neural networks, support vector machines, rule based classification, k-nearest-neighbor methods, genetic algorithms, and case-based reasoning). Data mining systems that support multiple data mining functions and multiple methods per function provide the user with greater flexibility and analysis power. Many problems may require users to try a few different mining functions or incorporate several together, and different methods can be more effective than others for different kinds of data. In order to take advantage of the added flexibility, however, users may require further training and experience. Thus such systems should also provide novice users with convenient access to the most popular function and method, or to default settings.

Coupling data mining with database and/or data warehouse systems: A data mining system should be coupled with a database and/or data warehouse system, where the coupled components are seamlessly integrated into a uniform information processing environment. In general, there are four forms of such coupling: no coupling, loose coupling, semitight coupling, and tight coupling (Chapter 1). Some data mining systems work only with ASCII data files and are not coupled with database or data warehouse systems at all. Such systems have difficulties using the data stored in database systems and handling large data sets efficiently. In data mining systems that are loosely coupled with database and data warehouse systems, the data are retrieved into a buffer or main memory by database or warehouse operations, and then mining functions are applied to analyze the retrieved data. These systems may not be equipped with scalable algorithms to handle large data sets when processing data mining queries. The coupling of a data mining system with a database or data warehouse system may be semitight, providing the efficient implementation of a few essential data mining primitives (such as sorting, indexing, aggregation, histogram analysis,multiway join, and the pre-computation of some statistical measures). Ideally, a data mining system should be tightly coupled with a database system in the sense that the data mining and data retrieval processes are integrated by optimizing data mining queries deep into the iterative mining and retrieval process. Tight coupling of data mining with OLAP-based data warehouse systems is also desirable so that data mining and OLAP operations can be integrated to provide OLAP-mining features.

Scalability: Data mining has two kinds of scalability issues: row (or database size) scalability and column (or dimension) scalability. A data mining system is considered row scalable if, when the number of rows is enlarged 10 times, it takes no more than 10 times to execute the same data mining queries. A data mining system is considered column scalable if the mining query execution time increases linearly with the number of columns (or attributes or dimensions). Due to the curse of dimensionality, it is much more challenging to make a system column scalable than row scalable.

Visualization tools: “A picture is worth a thousand words”—this is very true in data mining. Visualization in data mining can be categorized into data visualization, mining result visualization, mining process visualization, and visual data mining, as discussed in Section 11.3.3. The variety, quality, and flexibility of visualization tools may strongly influence the usability, interpretability, and attractiveness of a data mining system.

Data mining query language and graphical user interface: Data mining is an exploratory process. An easy-to-use and high-quality graphical user interface is essential in order to promote user-guided, highly interactive data mining. Most data mining systems provide user-friendly interfaces for mining. However, unlike relational database systems, where most graphical user interfaces are constructed on top of SQL (which serves as a standard, well-designed database query language), most data mining systems do not share any underlying data mining query language. Lack of a standard data mining language makes it difficult to standardize data mining products and to ensure the interoperability of data mining systems. Recent efforts at defining and standardizing data mining query languages include Microsoft’s OLE DB for Data Mining, which is described in the appendix of this book. Other standardization efforts include PMML(or Predictive Model Markup Language), part of an international consortium led by DMG (, and CRISP-DM (or Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining), described at