Link Mining: Tasks And Challenges

Introduction: Traditional methods of machine learning and data mining, taking, as input, a random sample of homogenous objects from a single relation, may not be appropriate here. The data comprising social networks tend to be heterogeneous, multi-relational, and semi-structured. As a result, a new field of research has emerged called link mining. Link mining is a confluence of research in social networks, link analysis, hypertext and Web mining, graph mining, relational learning, and inductive logic programming. It embodies descriptive and predictive modeling. By considering links (the relationships between objects), more information is made available to the mining process. This brings about several new tasks. Here, we list these tasks with examples from various domains:

1. Link-based object classification. In traditional classification methods, objects are classified based on the attributes that describe them. Link-based classification predicts the category of an object based not only on its attributes, but also on its links, and on the attributes of linked objects.

Web page classification is a well-recognized example of link-based classification. It predicts the category of a Web page based on word occurrence (words that occur on the page) and anchor text (the hyperlink words, that is, the words you click on when you click on a link), both of which serve as attributes. In addition, classification is based on links between pages and other attributes of the pages and links. In the bibliography domain, objects include papers, authors, institutions, journals, and conferences. A classification task is to predict the topic of a paper based on word occurrence, citations (other papers that cite the paper), and cocitations (other papers that are cited within the paper), where the citations act as links. An example from epidemiology is the task of predicting the disease type of a patient based on characteristics (e.g., symptoms) of the patient, and on characteristics of other people with whom the patient has been in contact. (These other people are referred to as the patients’ contacts.)

2. Object type prediction. This predicts the type of an object, based on its attributes and its links, and on the attributes of objects linked to it. In the bibliographic domain, we may want to predict the venue type of a publication as conference, journal, or workshop. In the communication domain, a similar task is to predict whether a communication contact is by e-mail, phone call, or mail.

3. Link type prediction. This predicts the type or purpose of a link, based on properties of the objects involved. Given epidemiological data, for instance, we may try to predict whether two people who know each other are family members, coworkers, or acquaintances. In another example, we may want to predict whether there is an advisor-advisee relationship between two coauthors. Given Web page data, we can try to predict whether a link on a page is an advertising link or a navigational link.

4. Predicting link existence. Unlike link type prediction, where we know a connection exists between two objects and we want to predict its type, instead we may want to predict whether a link exists between two objects. Examples include predicting whether there will be a link between two Web pages, and whether a paper will cite another paper. In epidemiology, we can try to predict with whom a patient came in contact.

5. Link cardinality estimation.There are two forms of link cardinality estimation. First, we may predict the number of links to an object. This is useful, for instance, in predicting the authoritativeness of a Web page based on the number of links to it (in-links).

This is important in estimating the number of objects that will be returned by a query. In the Web page domain, we may predict the number of pages that would be retrieved by crawling a site (where crawling refers to a methodological, automated search through the Web, mainly to create a copy of all of the visited pages for later processing by a search engine). Regarding citations, we can also use link cardinality estimation to predict the number of citations of a specific author in a given journal.

6. Object reconciliation.In object reconciliation, the task is to predict whether two objects are, in fact, the same, based on their attributes and links. This task is common in information extraction, duplication elimination, object consolidation, and citation matching, and is also known as record linkage or identity uncertainty. Examples include predicting whether two websites are mirrors of each other, whether two citations actually refer to the same paper, and whether two apparent disease strains are really the same.

7. Group detection.Group detection is a clustering task. It predicts when a set of objects belong to the same group or cluster, based on their attributes as well as their link structure. An area of application is the identification of Web communities, where a Web community is a collection of Web pages that focus on a particular theme or topic. A similar example in the bibliographic domain is the identification of research communities.

8. Subgraph detection. Subgraph identification finds characteristic sub graphs within networks. This is a form of graph search. An example from biology is the discovery of sub graphs corresponding to protein structures. In chemistry, we can search for sub graphs representing chemical substructures.

9. Metadata mining.Metadata are data about data. Metadata provide semi-structured data about unstructured data, ranging from text and Web data to multimedia databases. It is useful for data integration tasks in many domains. Metadata mining can be used for schema mapping (where, say, the attribute customer id from one database is mapped to cust number from another database because they both refer to the same entity); schema discovery, which generates schema from semi-structured data; and schema reformulation, which refines the schema based on the mined metadata. Examples include matching two bibliographic sources, discovering schema from unstructured or semi-structured data on the Web, and mapping between two medical ontologies.

In summary, the exploitation of link information between objects brings on additional tasks for link mining in comparison with traditional mining approaches. The implementation of these tasks, however, invokes many challenges. We examine several of these challenges here: