Mining Spatial Association And Co-location Patterns

Introduction: Similar to the mining of association rules in transactional and relational databases, spatial association rules can be mined in spatial databases. A spatial association rule is of the form A)B [s%;c%], where A and B are sets of spatial or non-spatial predicates, s% is the support of the rule, and c% is the confidence of the rule. For example, the following is a spatial association rule:

Is_a(X; “school”) ^ close_to(X; “sports center”) => close_to(X; “park”) [0.5%;80%].

This rule states that 80% of schools that are close to sports centers are also close to parks, and 0.5% of the data belongs to such a case.

Various kinds of spatial predicates can constitute a spatial association rule. Examples include distance information (such as close to and far away), topological relations (like intersect, overlap, and disjoint), and spatial orientations (like left of and west of). Since spatial association mining needs to evaluate multiple spatial relationships among a large number of spatial objects, the process could be quite costly. An interesting mining optimization method called progressive refinement can be adopted in spatial association analysis. The method first mines large data sets roughly using a fast algorithm and then improves the quality of mining in a pruned data set using a more expensive algorithm.

To ensure that the pruned data set covers the complete set of answers when applying the high-quality data mining algorithms at a later stage, an important requirement for the rough mining algorithm applied in the early stage is the superset coverage property: that is, it preserves all of the potential answers. In other words, it should allow a false-positive test, which might include some data sets that do not belong to the answer sets, but it should not allow a false-negative test, which might exclude some potential answers.

For mining spatial associations related to the spatial predicate close to, we can first collect the candidates that pass the minimum support threshold by

  • Applying certain rough spatial evaluation algorithms, for example, using an MBR structure (which registers only two spatial points rather than a set of complex polygons), and
  • Evaluating the relaxed spatial predicate, g close to, which is a generalized close to covering a broader context that includes close to, touch, and intersect.

If two spatial objects are closely located, their enclosing MBRs must be closely located, matching g close to. However, the reverse is not always true: if the enclosing MBRs are closely located, the two spatial objects may or may not be located so closely. Thus, the MBR pruning is a false-positive testing tool for closeness: only those that pass the rough test need to be further examined using more expensive spatial computation algorithms. With this preprocessing, only the patterns that are frequent at the approximation level will need to be examined by more detailed and finer, yet more expensive, spatial computation.

Besides mining spatial association rules, one may like to identify groups of particular features that appear frequently close to each other in a geospatial map. Such a problem is essentially the problem of mining spatial co-locations. Finding spatial co-locations can be considered as a special case of mining spatial associations. However, based on the property of spatial autocorrelation, interesting features likely coexist in closely located regions. Thus spatial co-location can be just what one really wants to explore. Efficient methods can be developed for mining spatial co-locations by exploring the methodologies like Aprori and progressive refinement, similar to what has been done for mining spatial association rules.