Mining The Web's Link Structures To Identify Authoritative Web Pages

Introduction: Authoritative Web pages are to search for those Web pages related to a given topic, such as financial investing. In addition to retrieving pages that are relevant, you also hope that the pages retrieved will be of high quality, or authoritative on the topic.

“But how can a search engine automatically identify authoritative Web pages for my topic?” Interestingly, the secrecy of authority is hiding in Web page linkages. The Web consists not only of pages, but also of hyperlinks pointing from one page to another. These hyperlinks contain an enormous amount of latent human annotation that can help automatically infer the notion of authority. When an author of a Web page creates a hyperlink pointing to another Web page, this can be considered as the author’s endorsement of the other page. The collective endorsement of a given page by different authors on the Web may indicate the importance of the page and may naturally lead to the discovery of authoritative Web pages. Therefore, the tremendous amount of Web linkage information provides rich information about the relevance, the quality, and the structure of the Web’s contents, and thus is a rich source for Web mining.

This idea has motivated some interesting studies on mining authoritative pages on the Web. In the 1970s, researchers in information retrieval proposed methods of using citations among journal articles to evaluate the quality of research papers. However, unlike journal citations, the Web linkage structure has some unique features. First, not every hyperlink represents the endorsement we seek. Some links are created for other purposes, such as for navigation or for paid advertisements. Yet overall, if the majority of hyperlinks are for endorsement, then the collective opinion will still dominate. Second, for commercial or competitive interests, one authority will seldom have its Web page point to its rival authorities in the same field. For example, Coca-Cola may prefer not to endorse its competitor Pepsi by not linking to Pepsi’s Web pages. Third, authoritative pages are seldom particularly descriptive. For example, the main Web page of Yahoo! may not contain the explicit self-description “Web search engine.”

These properties of Web link structures have led researchers to consider another important category of Web pages called a hub. A hub is one or a set of Web pages that provides collections of links to authorities. Hub pages may not be prominent, or there may exist few links pointing to them; however, they provide links to a collection of prominent sites on a common topic. Such pages could be lists of recommended links on individual home pages, such as recommended reference sites from a course home page, or professionally assembled resource lists on commercial sites. Hub pages play the role of implicitly conferring authorities on a focused topic. In general, a good hub is a page that points to many good authorities; a good authority is a page pointed to by many good hubs. Such a mutual reinforcement relationship between hubs and authorities helps the mining of authoritative Web pages and automated discovery of high-quality Web structures and resources.

“So, how can we use hub pages to find authoritative pages?” An algorithm using hubs, called HITS (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search), was developed as follows. First, HITS uses the query terms to collect a starting set of, say, 200 pages from an index-based search engine. These pages form the root set. Since many of these pages are presumably relevant to the search topic, some of them should contain links to most of the prominent authorities. Therefore, the root set can be expanded into a base set by including all of the pages that the root-set pages link to and all of the pages that link to a page in the root set, up to a designated size cutoff such as 1,000 to 5,000 pages (to be included in the base set).

Second, a weight-propagation phase is initiated. This iterative process determines numerical estimates of hub and authority weights. Notice that links between two pages with the same Web domain (i.e., sharing the same first level in their URLs) often serve as a navigation function and thus do not confer authority. Such links are excluded from the weight-propagation analysis.