Multimedia Data Mining

Introduction: A multimedia database system stores and manages a large collection of multimedia data, such as audio, video, image, graphics, speech, text, document, and hypertext data, which contain text, text markups, and linkages. Multimedia database systems are increasingly common owing to the popular use of audio video equipment, digital cameras, CD-ROMs, and the Internet. Typical multimedia database systems include NASA’s EOS (Earth Observation System), various kinds of image and audio-video databases, and Internet databases.

Similarity Search in Multimedia Data: “When searching for similarities in multimedia data, can we search on either the data description or the data content?” That is correct. For similarity searching in multimedia data, we consider two main families of multimedia indexing and retrieval systems: (1) description-based retrieval systems, which build indices and perform object retrieval based on image descriptions, such as keywords, captions, size, and time of creation; and (2) content-based retrieval systems, which support retrieval based on the image content, such as color histogram, texture, pattern, image topology, and the shape of objects and their layouts and locations within the image.

Description-based retrieval is labor-intensive if performed manually. If automated, the results are typically of poor quality. For example, the assignment of keywords to images can be a tricky and arbitrary task. Recent development of Web-based image clustering and classification methods has improved the quality of description-based Web image retrieval, because image surrounded text information as well as Web linkage information can be used to extract proper description and group images describing a similar theme together. Content-based retrieval uses visual features to index images and promotes object retrieval based on feature similarity, which is highly desirable in many applications.

In a content-based image retrieval system, there are often two kinds of queries: image sample- based queries and image feature specification queries. Image-sample-based queries find all of the images that are similar to the given image sample. This search compares the feature vector (or signature) extracted from the sample with the feature vectors of images that have already been extracted and indexed in the image database. Based on this comparison, images that are close to the sample image are returned. Image feature specification queries specify or sketch image features like color, texture, or shape, which are translated into a feature vector to be matched with the feature vectors of the images in the database. Content-based retrieval has wide applications, including medical diagnosis, weather prediction, TV production, Web search engines for images, and e-commerce. Some systems, such as QBIC (Query By Image Content), support both sample-based and image feature specification queries. There are also systems that support both content based and description-based retrieval.

Several approaches have been proposed and studied for similarity-based retrieval in image databases, based on image signature:

Color histogram–based signature: In this approach, the signature of an image includes color histograms based on the color composition of an image regardless of its scale or orientation. This method does not contain any information about shape, image topology, or texture. Thus, two images with similar color composition but that contains very different shapes or textures may be identified as similar, although they could be completely unrelated semantically.

Multi-feature composed signature: In this approach, the signature of an image includes a composition of multiple features: color histogram, shape, image topology, and texture. The extracted image features are stored as metadata, and images are indexed based on such metadata. Often, separate distance functions can be defined for each feature and subsequently combined to derive the overall results. Multidimensional content-based search often uses one or a few probe features to search for images containing such (similar) features. It can therefore be used to search for similar images. This is the most popularly used approach in practice.

Wavelet-based signature: This approach uses the dominant wavelet coefficients of an image as its signature. Wavelets capture shape, texture, and image topology information in a single unified framework. This improves efficiency and reduces the need for providing multiple search primitives (unlike the second method above). However, since this method computes a single signature for an entire image, it may fail to identify images containing similar objects where the objects differ in location or size.

Wavelet-based signature with region-based granularity: In this approach, the computation and comparison of signatures are at the granularity of regions, not the entire image. This is based on the observation that similar images may contain similar regions, but a region in one image could be a translation or scaling of a matching region in the other. Therefore, a similarity measure between the query image Q and a target images T can be defined in terms of the fraction of the area of the two images covered by matching pairs of regions from Q and T. Such a region-based similarity search can find images containing similar objects, where these objects may be translated or scaled.