Rule Induction Using A Sequential Covering Algorithm

Introduction: IF-THEN rules can be extracted directly from the training data (i.e., without having to generate a decision tree first) using a sequential covering algorithm. The name comes from the notion that the rules are learned sequentially (one at a time), where each rule for a given class will ideally cover many of the tuples of that class (and hopefully none of the tuples of other classes). Sequential covering algorithms are the most widely used approach to mining disjunctive sets of classification rules, and form the topic of this subsection. Note that in a newer alternative approach, classification rules can be generated using associative classification algorithms, which search for attribute-value pairs that occur frequently in the data. These pairs may form association rules, which can be analyzed and used in classification.

There are many sequential covering algorithms. Popular variations include AQ, CN2, and the more recent, RIPPER. The general strategy is as follows. Rules are learned one at a time. Each time a rule is learned, the tuples covered by the rule are removed, and the process repeats on the remaining tuples. This sequential learning of rules is in contrast to decision tree induction. Because the path to each leaf in a decision tree corresponds to a rule, we can consider decision tree induction as learning a set of rules simultaneously.

A basic sequential covering algorithm is shown below. Here, rules are learned for one class at a time. Ideally, when learning a rule for a class, Ci, we would like the rule to cover all (or many) of the training tuples of class C and none (or few) of the tuples from other classes. In this way, the rules learned should be of high accuracy. The rules need not necessarily be of high coverage. This is because we can have more than one

Algorithm: Basic sequential covering algorithm. Learn a set of IF-THEN rules for classification.


  • D, a data set class-labeled tuples;
  • Att_vals, the set of all attributes and their possible values.

Output: A set of IF-THEN rules.


(1)    Rule set = {}; // initial set of rules learned is empty

(2)    for each class c do

(3)    repeat

(4)    Rule = Learn_One_Rule(D, Att_vals, c);

(5)    remove tuples covered by Rule from D;

(6)    until terminating condition;

(7)    Rule_set = Rule_set Rule; // add new rule to rule set

(8)    endfor

(9)    return Rule_Set;

rule for a class, so that different rules may cover different tuples within the same class. The process continues until the terminating condition is met, such as when there are no more training tuples or the quality of a rule returned is below a user-specified threshold. The Learn One Rule procedure finds the “best” rule for the current class, given the current set of training tuples.

Typically, rules are grown in a general-to-specific manner (Figure 6.13). We can think of this as a beam search, where we start off with an empty rule and then gradually keep appending attribute tests to it. We append by adding the attribute test as a logical conjunct to the existing condition of the rule antecedent. Suppose our training set, D, consists of loan application data. Attributes regarding each applicant include their age, income, education level, residence, credit rating, and the term of the loan. The classifying attribute is loan decision, which indicates whether a loan is accepted (considered safe) or rejected (considered risky). To learn a rule for the class “accept,” we start off with the most general rule possible, that is, the condition of the rule antecedent is empty. The rule is:

IF THEN loan_decision = accept.