Text Indexing And Query Processing Techniques

Text Indexing Techniques: There are several popular text retrieval indexing techniques, including inverted indices and signature files.

An inverted index is an index structure that maintains two hash indexed or B -tree indexed tables:

  • Document_table and term table, where document table consists of a set of document records, each containing two fields: doc id and posting list, where posting list is a list of terms (or pointers to terms) that occur in the document, sorted according to some relevance measure.
  • Term_table consists of a set of term records, each containing two fields: term_id and posting list, where posting list specifies a list of document identifiers in which the term appears.

With such organization, it is easy to answer queries like “Find all of the documents associated with a given set of terms,” or “Find all of the terms associated with a given set of documents.” For example, to find all of the documents associated with a set of terms, we can first find a list of document identifiers in term table for each term, and then intersect them to obtain the set of relevant documents. Inverted indices are widely used in industry. They are easy to implement. The posting lists could be rather long, making the storage requirement quite large. They are easy to implement, but are not satisfactory at handling synonymy (where two very different words can have the same meaning) and polysemy (where an individual word may have many meanings).

A signature file is a file that stores a signature record for each document in the database. Each signature has a fixed size of b bits representing terms. A simple encoding scheme goes as follows. Each bit of a document signature is initialized to 0. A bit is set to 1 if the term it represents appears in the document. A signature S1 matches another signature S2 if each bit that is set in signature S2 is also set in S1. Since there are usually more terms than available bits, multiple terms may be mapped into the same bit. Such multiple-to one mapping make the search expensive because a document that matches the signature of a query does not necessarily contain the set of keywords of the query. The document has to be retrieved, parsed, stemmed, and checked. Improvements can be made by first performing frequency analysis, stemming, and by filtering stop words, and then using a hashing technique and superimposed coding technique to encode the list of terms into bit representation. Nevertheless, the problem of multiple-to-one mappings still exists, which is the major disadvantage of this approach.

Query Processing Techniques: Once an inverted index is created for a document collection, a retrieval system can answer a keyword query quickly by looking up which documents contain the query keywords. Specifically, we will maintain a score accumulator for each document and update these accumulators as we go through each query term. For each query term, we will fetch all of the documents that match the term and increase their scores. More sophisticated query processing techniques are discussed in [WMB99].

When examples of relevant documents are available, the system can learn from such examples to improve retrieval performance. This is called relevance feedback and has proven to be effective in improving retrieval performance. When we do not have such relevant examples, a system can assume the top few retrieved documents in some initial retrieval results to be relevant and extract more related keywords to expand a query. Such feedback is called pseudo-feedback or blind feedback and is essentially a process of mining useful keywords from the top retrieved documents. Pseudo-feedback also often leads to improved retrieval performance.

One major limitation of many existing retrieval methods is that they are based on exact keyword matching. However, due to the complexity of natural languages, keyword based retrieval can encounter two major difficulties. The first is the synonymy problem: two words with identical or similar meanings may have very different surface forms. For example, a user’s query may use the word “automobile,” but a relevant document may use “vehicle” instead of “automobile.” The second is the polysemy problem: the same keyword, such as mining, or Java, may mean different things in different contexts.