Text Retrieval Methods

Introduction: Broadly speaking, retrieval methods fall into two categories: They generally either view the retrieval problem as a document selection problem or as a document ranking problem.

In document selection methods, the query is regarded as specifying constraints for selecting relevant documents. A typical method of this category is the Boolean retrieval model, in which a document is represented by a set of keywords and a user provides a Boolean expression of keywords, such as “car and repair shops,” “tea or coffee,” or “database systems but not Oracle.” The retrieval system would take such a Boolean query and return documents that satisfy the Boolean expression. Because of the difficulty in prescribing a user’s information need exactly with a Boolean query, the Boolean retrieval method generally only works well when the user knows a lot about the document collection and can formulate a good query in this way.

Document ranking methods use the query to rank all documents in the order of relevance. For ordinary users and exploratory queries, these methods are more appropriate than document selection methods. Most modern information retrieval systems present a ranked list of documents in response to a user’s keyword query. There are many different ranking methods based on a large spectrum of mathematical foundations, including algebra, logic, probability, and statistics. The common intuition behind all of these methods is that we may match the keywords in a query with those in the documents and score each document based on how well it matches the query. The goal is to approximate the degree of relevance of a document with a score computed based on information such as the frequency of words in the document and the whole collection. Notice that it is inherently difficult to provide a precise measure of the degree of relevance between a set of keywords. For example, it is difficult to quantify the distance between data mining and data analysis. Comprehensive empirical evaluation is thus essential for validating any retrieval method.

For  tokenize text the first step in most retrieval systems is to identify keywords for representing documents, a preprocessing step often called tokenization. To avoid indexing useless words, a text retrieval system often associates a stop list with a set of documents. A stop list is a set of words that are deemed “irrelevant.” For example, a, the, of, for, with, and so on are stop words, even though they may appear frequently. Stop lists may vary per document set. For example, database systems could be an important keyword in a newspaper. However, it may be considered as a stop word in a set of research papers presented in a database systems conference. A group of different words may share the same word stem. A text retrieval system needs to identify groups of words where the words in a group are small syntactic variants of one another and collect only the common word stem per group. For example, the group of words drug, drugged, and drugs, share a common word stem, drug, and can be viewed as different occurrences of the same word.

Starting with a set of d documents and a set of t terms, we can model each document as a vector v in the t dimensional space Rt , which is why this method is called the vector-space model. Let the term frequency be the number of occurrences of term t in the document d, that is, freq (d; t). The (weighted) term-frequency matrix TF(d; t) measures the association of a term t with respect to the given document d: it is generally defined as 0 if the document does not contain the term, and nonzero otherwise. There are many ways to define the term-weighting for the nonzero entries in such a vector. For example, we can simply set TF (d; t) = 1 if the term t occurs in the document d, or use the term frequency freq (d; t), or the relative term frequency, that is, the term frequency versus the total number of occurrences of all the terms in the document. There are also other ways to normalize the term frequency. For example, the Cornell SMART system uses the following formula to compute the (normalized) term frequency:

Besides the term frequency measure, there is another important measure, called inverse document frequency (IDF),that represents the scaling factor, or the importance, of a term t. If a term t occurs in many documents, its importance will be scaled down due to its reduced discriminative power. For example, the term database systems may likely be less important if it occurs in many research papers in a database system conference. According to the same Cornell SMART system, IDF(t) is defined by the following formula:

where d is the document collection, and dt is the set of documents containing term t. If |dt|≪|d|, the term t will have a large IDF scaling factor and vice versa.

In a complete vector-space model, TF and IDF are combined together, which forms the TF-IDF measure:

TF-IDF (d; t) = TF(d; t) X IDF(t)