Using If-then Rules For Classification

Introduction: Rules are a good way of representing information or bits of knowledge. A rule-based classifier uses a set of IF-THEN rules for classification. An IF-THEN rule is an expression of the form

IF condition THEN conclusion.

An example is rule R1,

R1: IF age = youth AND student = yes THEN buys computer = yes.

The “IF”-part (or left-hand side) of a rule is known as the rule antecedent or precondition. The “THEN”-part (or right-hand side) is the rule consequent. In the rule antecedent, the condition consists of one or more attribute tests (such as age = youth, and student = yes) that are logically ANDed. The rule’s consequent contains a class prediction (in this case, we are predicting whether a customer will buy a computer). R1 can also be written as

R1: (age = youth) ^ (student = yes))(buys computer = yes).

If the condition (that is, all of the attribute tests) in a rule antecedent holds true for a given tuple, we say that the rule antecedent is satisfied (or simply, that the rule is satisfied) and that the rule covers the tuple.

A rule R can be assessed by its coverage and accuracy. Given a tuple, X, from a class labeled data set, D, let ncovers is the number of tuples covered by R; ncorrect be the number of tuples correctly classified by R; and |D| be the number of tuples in D. We can define the coverage and accuracy of R as

Coverage (R) = ncovers /|D|

accuracy(R) = ncorrect / ncovers

That is, a rule’s coverage is the percentage of tuples that are covered by the rule (i.e., whose attribute values hold true for the rule’s antecedent). For a rule’s accuracy, we look at the tuples that it covers and see what percentage of them the rule can correctly classify.