Design Analysis of Algorithm


We model disk operations in our pseudocode as follows. Let x be a pointer to an object. If the object is currently in the computer's main memory, then we can refer to the fields of the object as usual: key[x], for example. If the object referred to by x resides on disk, however, then we must perform the operation DISK-READ(x) to read object x into main memory before we can refer to its fields. (We assume that if x is already in main memory, then DISK-READ(x) requires no disk accesses; it is a "no-op.") Similarly, the operation DISK-WRITE(x) is used to save any changes that have been made to the fields of object x. That is, the typical pattern for working with an object is as follows:

  • x a pointer to some object

  • DISK-READ(x)

  • operations that access and/or modify the fields of x

  • DISK-WRITE(x) Omitted if no fields of x were changed.

  • other operations that access but do not modify fields of x

The system can keep only a limited number of pages in main memory at any one time. We shall assume that pages no longer in use are flushed from main memory by the system; our B-tree algorithms will ignore this issue.

Since in most systems the running time of a B-tree algorithm is determined mainly by the number of DISK-READ and DISK-WRITE operations it performs, it is sensible to use these operations efficiently by having them read or write as much information as possible. Thus, a B-tree node is usually as large as a whole disk page. The number of children a B-tree node can have is therefore limited by the size of a disk page.

For a large B-tree stored on a disk, branching factors between 50 and 2000 are often used, depending on the size of a key relative to the size of a page. A large branching factor dramatically reduces both the height of the tree and the number of disk accesses required to find any key. Figure 18.3 shows a B-tree with a branching factor of 1001 and height 2 that can store over one billion keys; nevertheless, since the root node can be kept permanently in main memory, only two disk accesses at most are required to find any key in this tree!

Figure 18.3: A B-tree of height 2 containing over one billion keys. Each internal node and leaf contains 1000 keys. There are 1001 nodes at depth 1 and over one million leaves at depth 2. Shown inside each node x is n[x], the number of keys in x.