Disjoint-set Forests

1  p[x]  x
2  rank[x]  0

UNION(x, y)

LINK(x, y)
1  if rank[x] > rank[y]
2     then p[y]  x
3     else p[x]  y
4          if rank[x] = rank[y]
5             then rank[y]  rank[y]   1

The FIND-SET procedure with path compression is quite simple.

1  if x  p[x]
2     then p[x]  FIND-SET(p[x])
3  return p[x]

The FIND-SET procedure is a two-pass method: it makes one pass up the find path to find the root, and it makes a second pass back down the find path to update each node so that it points directly to the root. Each call of FIND-SET(x) returns p[x] in line 3. If x is the root, then line 2 is not executed and p[x] = x is returned. This is the case in which the recursion bottoms out. Otherwise, line 2 is executed, and the recursive call with parameter p[x] returns a pointer to the root. Line 2 updates node x to point directly to the root, and this pointer is returned in line 3.

Effect of the heuristics on the running time

Separately, either union by rank or path compression improves the running time of the operations on disjoint-set forests, and the improvement is even greater when the two heuristics are used together. Alone, union by rank yields a running time of O(m lg n), and this bound is tight. Although we shall not prove it here, if there are n MAKE-SET operations (and hence at most n - 1 UNION operations) and f FIND-SET operations, the path-compression heuristic alone gives a worst-case running time of Θ (n f · (1 log2 f / n n)).

When we use both union by rank and path compression, the worst-case running time is O(m α (n)), where α(n) is a very slowly growing function, which we define in Analysis of union by rank with path compression. In any conceivable application of a disjoint-set data structure, α(n) 4; thus, we can view the running time as linear in m in all practical situations. In Analysis of union by rank with path compression, we prove this upper bound.