Greedy Algorithms

An iterative greedy algorithm

We easily can convert our recursive procedure to an iterative one. The procedure RECURSIVE-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR is almost "tail recursive" : it ends with a recursive call to itself followed by a union operation. It is usually a straightforward task to transform a tail-recursive procedure to an iterative form; in fact, some compilers for certain programming languages perform this task automatically. As written, RECURSIVE-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR works for any subproblem Sij, but we have seen that we need to consider only subproblems for which j = n 1, i.e., subproblems that consist of the last activities to finish.

The procedure GREEDY-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR is an iterative version of the procedure RECURSIVE-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR. It also assumes that the input activities are ordered by monotonically increasing finish time. It collects selected activities into a set A and returns this set when it is done.

1 n  length[s]
2 A  {a1}
3 i  1
4 for m  2 to n
5      do if sm  fi
6            then A  A  {am}
7                 i  m
8 return A

The procedure works as follows. The variable i indexes the most recent addition to A, corresponding to the activity ai in the recursive version. Since the activities are considered in order of monotonically increasing finish time, fi is always the maximum finish time of any activity in A. That is,

Lines 2-3 select activity a1, initialize A to contain just this activity, and initialize i to index this activity. The for loop of lines 4-7 finds the earliest activity to finish in Si.n 1. The loop considers each activity am in turn and adds am to A if it is compatible with all previously selected activities; such an activity is the earliest to finish in Si.n 1. To see if activity am is compatible with every activity currently in A, it suffices by equation (16.4) to check (line 5) that its start time sm is not earlier than the finish time fi of the activity most recently added to A. If activity am is compatible, then lines 6-7 add activity am to A and set i to m. The set A returned by the call GREEDY-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR(s, f) is precisely the set returned by the call RECURSIVE-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR(s, f, 0, n 1).

Like the recursive version, GREEDY-ACTIVITY-SELECTOR schedules a set of n activities in Θ(n) time, assuming that the activities were already sorted initially by their finish times