Interval Trees

Interval Trees: In this section, we shall augment red-black trees to support operations on dynamic sets of intervals. A closed interval is an ordered pair of real numbers [t1, t2], with t1 t2. The interval [t1, t2] represents the set {t R : t1 t t2}. Open and half-open intervals omit both or one of the endpoints from the set, respectively. In this section, we shall assume that intervals are closed; extending the results to open and half-open intervals is conceptually straightforward.

Intervals are convenient for representing events that each occupy a continuous period of time. We might, for example, wish to query a database of time intervals to find out what events occurred during a given interval. The data structure in this section provides an efficient means for maintaining such an interval database.

We can represent an interval [t1, t2] as an object i, with fields low[i] = t1 (the low endpoint) and high[i] = t2(the high endpoint). We say that intervals i and i' overlap if i i' ø, that is, if low[i] high[i'] and low[i'] high[i]. Any two intervals i and i' satisfy the interval trichotomy; that is, exactly one of the following three properties holds:

  1. i and i' overlap,

  2. i is to the left of i' (i.e., high[i]< low[i']),

  3. i is to the right of i' (i.e., high[i']< low[i]).

Figure 14.3 shows the three possibilities.

Figure 14.3: The interval trichotomy for two closed intervals i and i'. (a) If i and i' overlap, there are four situations; in each, low[i] high[i'] and low[i'] high[i]. (b) The intervals do not overlap, and high[i]< low[i']. (c) The intervals do not overlap, and high[i']< low[i].

An interval tree is a red-black tree that maintains a dynamic set of elements, with each element x containing an interval int[x]. Interval trees support the following operations.

  • INTERVAL-INSERT(T, x) adds the element x, whose int field is assumed to contain an interval, to the interval tree T.

  • INTERVAL-DELETE(T, x) removes the element x from the interval tree T.

  • INTERVAL-SEARCH(T, i) returns a pointer to an element x in the interval tree T such that int[x] overlaps interval i, or the sentinel nil[T] if no such element is in the set.

Figure 14.4 shows how an interval tree represents a set of intervals. We shall track the four-step method from Section 14.2 as we review the design of an interval tree and the operations that run on it.

Figure 14.4: An interval tree. (a) A set of 10 intervals, shown sorted bottom to top by left endpoint. (b) The interval tree that represents them. An inorder tree walk of the tree lists the nodes in sorted order by left endpoint.

Step 1: Underlying Data Structure

We choose a red-black tree in which each node x contains an interval int[x] and the key of x is the low endpoint, low[int[x]], of the interval. Thus, an inorder tree walk of the data structure lists the intervals in sorted order by low endpoint.

Step 2: Additional Information

In addition to the intervals themselves, each node x contains a value max[x], which is the maximum value of any interval endpoint stored in the subtree rooted at x.

Step 3: Maintaining the Information

We must verify that insertion and deletion can be performed in O(lg n) time on an interval tree of n nodes. We can determine max[x] given interval int[x] and the max values of node x's children:

max[x] = max(high[int[x]], max[left[x]], max[right[x]]).

Step 4: Developing New Operations

The only new operation we need is INTERVAL-SEARCH(T, i), which finds a node in tree T whose interval overlaps interval i. If there is no interval that overlaps i in the tree, a pointer to the sentinel nil[T] is returned.

1  x  root[T]
2  while x  nil[T] and i does not overlap int[x]
3      do if left[x]  nil[T] and max[left[x]]  low[i]
4            then x  left[x]
5            else x  right[x]
6  return x

The search for an interval that overlaps i starts with x at the root of the tree and proceeds downward. It terminates when either an overlapping interval is found or x points to the sentinel nil[T]. Since each iteration of the basic loop takes O(1) time, and since the height of an n-node red-black tree is O(lg n), the INTERVAL-SEARCH procedure takes O(lg n) time.