Mergeable-heap Operations

Figure 20.3: The action of FIB-HEAP-EXTRACT-MIN. (a) A Fibonacci heap H. (b) The situation after the minimum node z is removed from the root list and its children are added to the root list. (c)-(e) The array A and the trees after each of the first three iterations of the for loop of lines 3-13 of the procedure CONSOLIDATE. The root list is processed by starting at the node pointed to by min[H ] and following right pointers. Each part shows the values of w and x at the end of an iteration. (f)-(h) The next iteration of the for loop, with the values of w and x shown at the end of each iteration of the while loop of lines 6-12. Part (f) shows the situation after the first time through the while loop. The node with key 23 has been linked to the node with key 7, which is now pointed to by x. In part (g), the node with key 17 has been linked to the node with key 7, which is still pointed to by x. In part (h), the node with key 24 has been linked to the node with key 7. Since no node was previously pointed to by A[3], at the end of the for loop iteration, A[3] is set to point to the root of the resulting tree. (i)-(l) The situation after each of the next four iterations of the for loop. (m) Fibonacci heap H after reconstruction of the root list from the array A and determination of the new min[H] pointer.

We start in line 1 by saving a pointer z to the minimum node; this pointer is returned at the end. If z = NIL, then Fibonacci heap H is already empty and we are done. Otherwise, as in the BINOMIAL-HEAP-EXTRACT-MIN procedure, we delete node z from H by making all of z's children roots of H in lines 3-5 (putting them into the root list) and removing z from the root list in line 6. If z = right[z] after line 6, then z was the only node on the root list and it had no children, so all that remains is to make the Fibonacci heap empty in line 8 before returning z. Otherwise, we set the pointer min[H] into the root list to point to a node other than z (in this case, right[z]), which is not necessarily going to be the new minimum node when FIB-HEAP-EXTRACT-MIN is done. Figure 20.3(b) shows the Fibonacci heap of Figure 20.3(a) after line 9 has been performed.

The next step, in which we reduce the number of trees in the Fibonacci heap, is consolidating the root list of H; this is performed by the call CONSOLIDATE(H). Consolidating the root list consists of repeatedly executing the following steps until every root in the root list has a distinct degree value.

  1. Find two roots x and y in the root list with the same degree, where key[x] key[y].

  2. Link y to x: remove y from the root list, and make y a child of x. This operation is performed by the FIB-HEAP-LINK procedure. The field degree[x] is incremented, and the mark on y, if any, is cleared.