Proof Of The Master Theorem

Proof of the master theorem: This section contains a proof of the master theorem (Theorem 4.1). The proof need not be understood in order to apply the theorem.

The proof is in two parts. The first part analyzes the "master" recurrence (4.5), under the simplifying assumption that T(n) is defined only on exact powers of b > 1, that is, for n = 1, b, b2, ..‥This part gives all the intuition needed to understand why the master theorem is true. The second part shows how the analysis can be extended to all positive integers n and is merely mathematical technique applied to the problem of handling floors and ceilings.

In this section, we shall sometimes abuse our asymptotic notation slightly by using it to describe the behavior of functions that are defined only over exact powers of b. Recall that the definitions of asymptotic notations require that bounds be proved for all sufficiently large numbers, not just those that are powers of b. Since we could make new asymptotic notations that apply to the set {bi : i = 0, 1,...}, instead of the nonnegative integers, this abuse is minor.

Nevertheless, we must always be on guard when we are using asymptotic notation over a limited domain so that we do not draw improper conclusions. For example, proving that T (n) = O(n) when n is an exact power of 2 does not guarantee that T (n) = O(n). The function T (n) could be defined as

in which case the best upper bound that can be proved is T (n) = O(n2). Because of this sort of drastic consequence, we shall never use asymptotic notation over a limited domain without making it absolutely clear from the context that we are doing so.