
Taking expectations and using linearity of expectation, we have

By plugging in various values for k, we can calculate the expected number of streaks of length k. If this number is large (much greater than 1), then many streaks of length k are expected to occur and the probability that one occurs is high. If this number is small (much less than 1), then very few streaks of length k are expected to occur and the probability that one occurs is low. If k = c lg n, for some positive constant c, we obtain

If c is large, the expected number of streaks of length c lg n is very small, and we conclude that they are unlikely to occur. On the other hand, if c < 1/2, then we obtain E [X] = Θ(1/n1/2-1) = Θ(n1/2), and we expect that there will be a large number of streaks of length (1/2) lg n. Therefore, one streak of such a length is very likely to occur. From these rough estimates alone, we can conclude that the length of the longest streak is Θ(lg n).