The Hiring Problem

Randomized algorithms

In order to use probabilistic analysis, we need to know something about the distribution on the inputs. In many cases, we know very little about the input distribution. Even if we do know something about the distribution, we may not be able to model this knowledge computationally. Yet we often can use probability and randomness as a tool for algorithm design and analysis, by making the behavior of part of the algorithm random.

In the hiring problem, it may seem as if the candidates are being presented to us in a random order, but we have no way of knowing whether or not they really are. Thus, in order to develop a randomized algorithm for the hiring problem, we must have greater control over the order in which we interview the candidates. We will, therefore, change the model slightly. We will say that the employment agency has n candidates, and they send us a list of the candidates in advance. On each day, we choose, randomly, which candidate to interview. Although we know nothing about the candidates (besides their names), we have made a significant change. Instead of relying on a guess that the candidates will come to us in a random order, we have instead gained control of the process and enforced a random order.

More generally, we call an algorithm randomized if its behavior is determined not only by its input but also by values produced by a random-number generator. We shall assume that we have at our disposal a random-number generator RANDOM. A call to RANDOM(a, b) returns an integer between a and b, inclusive, with each such integer being equally likely. For example, RANDOM(0, 1) produces 0 with probability 1/2, and it produces 1 with probability 1/2. A call to RANDOM(3, 7) returns either 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7, each with probability 1/5. Each integer returned by RANDOM is independent of the integers returned on previous calls. You may imagine RANDOM as rolling a (b - a 1)-sided die to obtain its output. (In practice, most programming environments offer a pseudorandom-number generator: a deterministic algorithm returning numbers that "look" statistically random.)a