Design Analysis of Algorithm

The On-line Hiring Problem

The on-line hiring problem: As a final example, we consider a variant of the hiring problem. Suppose now that we do not wish to interview all the candidates in order to find the best one. We also do not wish to hire and fire as we find better and better applicants. Instead, we are willing to settle for a candidate who is close to the best, in exchange for hiring exactly once. We must obey one company requirement: after each interview we must either immediately offer the position to the applicant or must tell them that they will not receive the job. What is the trade-off between minimizing the amount of interviewing and maximizing the quality of the candidate hired?

We can model this problem in the following way. After meeting an applicant, we are able to give each one a score; let score(i) denote the score given to the ith applicant, and assume that no two applicants receive the same score. After we have seen j applicants, we know which of the j has the highest score, but we do not know if any of the remaining n - j applicants will have a higher score. We decide to adopt the strategy of selecting a positive integer k < n, interviewing and then rejecting the first k applicants, and hiring the first applicant thereafter who has a higher score than all preceding applicants. If it turns out that the best-qualified applicant was among the first k interviewed, then we will hire the nth applicant. This strategy is formalized in the procedure ON-LINE-MAXIMUM(k, n), which appears below. Procedure ON-LINE-MAXIMUM returns the index of the candidate we wish to hire.


1 bestscore ← -∞

2 for ito k

3      do if score(i) > bestscore

4            then bestscorescore(i)

5 for ik 1 to n

6      do if score(i) > bestscore

7            then return i

8 return n

We wish to determine, for each possible value of k, the probability that we hire the most qualified applicant. We will then choose the best possible k, and implement the strategy with that value. For the moment, assume that k is fixed. Let M(j) = maxij {score(i)} denote the maximum score among applicants 1 through j. Let S be the event that we succeed in choosing the best-qualified applicant, and let Si be the event that we succeed when the best-qualified applicant is the ith one interviewed. Since the various Si are disjoint, we have that . Noting that we never succeed when the best-qualified applicant is one of the first k, we have that Pr {Si} = 0 for i = 1, 2,..., k. Thus, we obtain

We now compute Pr {Si}. In order to succeed when the best-qualified applicant is the ith one, two things must happen. First, the best-qualified applicant must be in position i, an event which we denote by Bi. Second, the algorithm must not select any of the applicants in positions k 1 through i - 1, which happens only if, for each j such that k 1 ≤ ji - 1, we find that score(j) < bestscore in line 6. (Because scores are unique, we can ignore the possibility of score(j) = bestscore.) In other words, it must be the case that all of the values score(k 1) through score(i - 1) are less than M(k); if any are greater than M(k) we will instead return the index of the first one that is greater. We use Oi to denote the event that none of the applicants in position k 1 through i - 1 are chosen. Fortunately, the two events Bi and Oi are independent. The event Oi depends only on the relative ordering of the values in positions 1 through i - 1, whereas Bi depends only on whether the value in position i is greater than all the values 1 through i - 1. The ordering of positions 1 through i - 1 does not affect whether i is greater than all of them, and the value of i does not affect the ordering of positions 1 through i - 1.

Pr {Si} = Pr {BiOi} = Pr {Bi} Pr {Oi}.

The probability Pr {Bi} is clearly 1/n, since the maximum is equally likely to be in any one of the n positions. For event Oi to occur, the maximum value in positions 1 through i - 1 must be in one of the first k positions, and it is equally likely to be in any of these i - 1 positions. Consequently, Pr {Oi} = k/(i - 1) and Pr {Si} = k/(n(i - 1)).