Euler Paths And Circuits

Returning to eighteenth-century Königsberg, is it possible to start at some point in the town, travel across all the bridges, and end up at some other point in town? This question can

be answered by determining whether there is an Euler path in the multigraph representing the bridges in Königsberg. Because there are four vertices of odd degree in this multigraph, there is no Euler path, so such a trip is impossible.

APPLICATIONS OF EULER PATHS AND CIRCUITS Euler paths and circuits can be used to solve many practical problems. For example, many applications ask for a path or circuit that traverses each street in a neighborhood, each road in a transportation network, each connection in a utility grid, or each link in a communications network exactly once. Finding an Euler path or circuit in the appropriate graph model can solve such problems. For example, if a postman can find an Euler path in the graph that represents the streets the postman needs to cover, this path produces a route that traverses each street of the route exactly once. If no Euler path exists, some streets will have to be traversed more than once. The problem of finding a circuit in a graph with the fewest edges that traverses every edge at least once is known as the Chinese postman problem in honor of Guan Meigu, who posed it in 1962. See [MiRo91] for more information on the solution of the Chinese postman problem when no Euler path exists. Among the other areas where Euler circuits and paths are applied is in the layout of circuits, in network multicasting, and in molecular biology, where Euler paths are used in the sequencing of DNA.