Hexadecimal Number System

Binary to hexadecimal Conversion -
1) Group the binary bits into fours starting from binary point.
2) For whole number, make group of four form right to left from binary point.
3) For fractional part, make group of four from left to right from binary point.
4) In case you are left with only one or two or three bits, add zero or zeroes at appropriate places.
5) Replace each group by equivalent hexadecimal numbers (by multiplying by powers 23 to 20)

Hexadecimal to Octal numbers-

1) First convert each digit in number to its binary equivalent (by dividing by 2) and write it in group of 4 bits.
2) Then make group of 3 bits each from right to left.
3) Again convert it into binary equivalent (by multiplying by powers 22 to 20)
Octal to hexadecimal numbers-

1) Convert each digit in binary equivalent (by dividing by 2) and write in group of 3 bits each.
2) Then take group of 4 bits each from right to left.
3) Again convert it into binary equivalent (by multiplying by powers 23 to 20)

Remember : When we are converting
Hexadecimal to octal number first convert each digit in group of 4 bits then make group of 3 bits from right to left.
But when we are converting octal to Hexadecimal number first convert each digit in group of 36 bits then take group of 4 bits each from right to left.