Discrete Mathematics

Minimization Of Circuits

Introduction: The efficiency of a combinational circuit depends on the number and arrangement of its gates.The process of designing a combinational circuit begins with the table specifying the output for each combination of input values. We can always use the sum-of-products expansion of a circuit to find a set of logic gates that will implement this circuit. However, the sum-of-products expansion

may contain many more terms than are necessary. Terms in a sum-of-products expansion that differ in just one variable, so that in one term this variable occurs and in the other term the complement of this variable occurs, can be combined. For instance, consider the circuit that has output 1 if and only if x = y = z = 1 or x = z = 1 and y = 0. The sum-of-products expansion of this circuit is xyz xy¯z. The two products in this expansion differ in exactly one variable, namely, y. They can be combined as

Hence, xz is a Boolean expression with fewer operators that represents the circuit. We show two different implementations of this circuit in Figure 1. The second circuit uses only one gate, whereas the first circuit uses three gates and an inverter.

This example shows that combining terms in the sum-of-products expansion of a circuit leads to a simpler expression for the circuit. We will describe two procedures that simplify sum-of-products expansions.

The goal of both procedures is to produce Boolean sums of Boolean products that represent a Boolean function with the fewest products of literals such that these products contain the fewest literals possible among all sums of products that represent a Boolean function. Finding such a sum of products is called minimization of the Boolean function. Minimizing a Boolean function makes it possible to construct a circuit for this function that uses the fewest gates and fewest inputs to the AND gates and OR gates in the circuit, among all circuits for the Boolean expression we are minimizing.

Until the early 1960s logic gates were individual components. To reduce costs it was important to use the fewest gates to produce a desired output. However, in the mid-1960s, integrated circuit technology was developed that made it possible to combine gates on a single chip. Even though it is now possible to build increasingly complex integrated circuits on chips at low cost, minimization of Boolean functions remains important.

Reducing the number of gates on a chip can lead to a more reliable circuit and can reduce the cost to produce the chip. Also, minimization makes it possible to fit more circuits on the same chip. Furthermore, minimization reduces the number of inputs to gates in a circuit. This reduces the time used by a circuit to compute its output. Moreover, the number of inputs to a gate may be limited because of the particular technology used to build logic gates. The first procedure we will introduce, known as Karnaugh maps (or K-maps), was designed in the 1950s to help minimize circuits by hand. K-maps are useful in minimizing circuits with up to six variables, although they become rather complex even for five or six variables. The second procedure we will describe, the Quine–McCluskey method, was invented in the 1960s. It automates the process of minimizing combinatorial circuits and can be implemented as a computer program.

COMPLEXITY OF BOOLEAN FUNCTION MINIMIZATION Unfortunately, minimizing Boolean functions with many variables is a computationally intensive problem. It has been shown that this problem is an NP-complete problem (see Section 3.3 and [Ka93]), so the existence of a polynomial-time algorithm for minimizing Boolean circuits is unlikely. The Quine–McCluskey method has exponential complexity. In practice, it can be used only when the number of literals does not exceed ten. Since the 1970s a number of newer algorithms have been developed for minimizing combinatorial circuits (see [Ha93] and [KaBe04]). However, with the best algorithms yet devised, only circuits with no more than 25 variables can be minimized. Also, heuristic (or rule-of-thumb) methods can be used to substantially simplify, but not necessarily minimize, Boolean expressions with a larger number of literals.