Shortest-path Problems

Introduction: Many problems can be modeled using graphs with weights assigned to their edges. As an illustration, consider how an airline system can be modeled. We set up the basic graph model by representing cities by vertices and flights by edges. Problems involving distances can be modeled by assigning distances between cities to the edges. Problems involving flight time can be modeled by assigning flight times to edges. Problems involving fares can be modeled by

assigning fares to the edges. Figure 1 displays three different assignments of weights to the edges of a graph representing distances, flight times, and fares, respectively.

Graphs that have a number assigned to each edge are called weighted graphs. Weighted graphs are used to model computer networks. Communications costs (such as the monthly cost of leasing a telephone line), the response times of the computers over these lines, or the distance between computers, can all be studied using weighted graphs. Figure 2 displays weighted graphs that represent three ways to assign weights to the edges of a graph of a computer network, corresponding to distance, response time, and cost.
Several types of problems involving weighted graphs arise frequently. Determining a path of least length between two vertices in a network is one such problem. To be more specific, let the length of a path in a weighted graph be the sum of the weights of the edges of this path. (The reader should note that this use of the term length is different from the use of length to denote the number of edges in a path in a graph without weights.) The question is: What is a shortest path, that is, a path of least length, between two given vertices? For instance, in the airline system


















represented by the weighted graph shown in Figure 1, what is a shortest path in air distance between Boston and Los Angeles? What combinations of flights has the smallest total flight time (that is, total time in the air, not including time between flights) between Boston and Los Angeles? What is the cheapest fare between these two cities? In the computer network shown in Figure 2, what is a least expensive set of telephone lines needed to connect the computers in San Francisco with those in New York? Which set of telephone lines gives a fastest response time for communications between San Francisco and New York? Which set of lines has a shortest overall distance?

Another important problem involving weighted graphs asks for a circuit of shortest total length that visits every vertex of a complete graph exactly once. This is the famous traveling salesperson problem, which asks for an order in which a salesperson should visit each of the cities on his route exactly once so that he travels the minimum total distance.