Discrete Mathematics

The Traveling Salesperson Problem

Introduction: A traveling salesperson wants to visit each of n cities exactly once and return to his starting point. For example, suppose that the salesperson wants to visit Detroit, Toledo, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, and Kalamazoo (see Figure 5). In which order should he visit these cities to travel the minimum total distance? To solve this problem we can assume the salesperson starts in Detroit (because this must be part of the circuit) and examine all possible ways for him to visit the other four cities and then return to Detroit (starting elsewhere will produce the same circuits). There are a total of 24 such circuits, but because we travel the same distance when we travel a circuit in reverse order, we need only consider 12 different circuits to find the minimum total distance he must travel.We list these 12 different circuits and the total distance traveled for each circuit. As can be seen from the list, the minimum total distance of 458 miles is traveled using the circuit Detroit–Toledo–Kalamazoo–Grand Rapids–Saginaw–Detroit (or its reverse).

We just described an instance of the traveling salesperson problem. The traveling salesperson problem asks for the circuit of minimum total weight in a weighted, complete, undirected graph that visits each vertex exactly once and returns to its starting point. This is equivalent to asking for a Hamilton circuit with minimum total weight in the complete graph, because each vertex is visited exactly once in the circuit.

The most straightforward way to solve an instance of the traveling salesperson problem is to examine all possible Hamilton circuits and select one of minimum total length. How many circuits do we have to examine to solve the problem if there are n vertices in the graph? Once a starting point is chosen, there are (n − 1)! different Hamilton circuits to examine, because there are n − 1 choices for the second vertex, n − 2 choices for the third vertex, and so on. Because a Hamilton circuit can be traveled in reverse order,we need only examine (n − 1)!/2 circuits to find our answer. Note that (n − 1)!/2 grows extremely rapidly.Trying to solve a traveling salesperson problem in this way when there are only a few dozen vertices is impractical. For example, with 25 vertices, a total of 24!/2 (approximately 3.1 × 1023) different Hamilton circuits would have to be considered. If it took just one nanosecond (10−9 second) to examine each Hamilton circuit, a total of approximately ten million years would be required to find a minimum-length Hamilton circuit in this graph by exhaustive search techniques.

Because the traveling salesperson problem has both practical and theoretical importance, a great deal of effort has been devoted to devising efficient algorithms that solve it. However, no algorithm with polynomial worst-case time complexity is known for solving this problem. Furthermore, if a polynomial worst-case time complexity algorithm were discovered for the traveling salesperson problem, many other difficult problems would also be solvable using polynomial worst-case time complexity algorithms. This follows from the theory of NPcompleteness.

A practical approach to the traveling salesperson problem when there are many vertices to visit is to use an approximation algorithm. These are algorithms that do not necessarily produce the exact solution to the problem but instead are guaranteed to produce a solution that is close to an exact solution. That is, they may produce a Hamilton circuit with total weight W' such that W ≤ W'≤ cW, where W is the total length of an exact solution and c is a constant. For example, there is an algorithm with polynomial worst-case time complexity that works if the weighted graph satisfies the triangle inequality such that c = 3/2. For general weighted graphs for every positive real number k no algorithm is known that will always produce a solution at most k times a best solution. If such an algorithm existed, this would show that the class P would be the same as the class NP, perhaps the most famous open question about the complexity of algorithms.

In practice, algorithms have been developed that can solve traveling salesperson problems with as many as 1000 vertices within 2% of an exact solution using only a few minutes of computer time.