Human Values & Prof. Ethics-1

Enumeration Of Rights In The Declaration

Enumeration of Rights in the Declaration:

The Universal Declaration enumerated the basic postulates and principles of human rights in a most comprehensive manner. It dealt not only with civil or political rights, but with social and economic rights as well.

Civil and Political Rights as per the Declaration:

Articles 2 to 21 deal with those civil and political rights, which have been generally recognised throughout the world. These are:

1. Right to life, liberty and security of persons.(Art.3)

2. Freedom from slavery or servitude (Art.4)

3. Prohibition against torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Art.5)

4. Recognition as a person before Law (Art.6)

5. Equality before the law and equal protection of the law without any discrimination. (Art.7)

6. Effective remedy before the national tribunals (Art.8)

7. Freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. (Art.9)

8. Right to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal. (Art.10)

9. Presumption of innocence until proved guilty in a public trial with all guarantees necessary for defense in criminal cases. (Art.11-I)

10. Freedom from ex-post facto laws (Art.11-II)

11. Right to privacy, family, home and correspondence. (Art.12)

12. Right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of a state. (Article 13, I)

13. Right to leave any country, including his own and to return to his country. (Art.13)

14. Right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution (Art.14)

15. Right to a nationality (Art.15)

16. Right to marry and to find a family. (Art.16)

17. Right to own property.(Art.17)

18. Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Art.18)

19. Right to freedom of opinion and expression (Art.19)

20. Right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association (Article 20)

21. Right to participate in the Government of his country (Article 21)

Economic and Social Rights:

1. Right to social security (Art.22)

2. Right to work and free choice of employment (Art.23)

3. Right to rest and leisure (Art.24)

4. Right to a standard of living for the health of himself and of his family (Art.25)

5. Right to education (Art.26)

6. Right to participate in cultural life (Art.27)

7. Right to good social and international order (Art.28)


Though the rights have been enumerated to safe guard human rights, the declaration also had laid down under Art.29 certain limitations to these rights and freedoms. By providing that everyone has duties to the community in which, the final and full development of his personality alone is possible. Art.29 Para 2 provides that the rights shall be provided to the individuals, subject to just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society. Therefore it is to be considered that the rights provided in the Declaration are not absolute.