Human Values & Prof. Ethics-1



Ethics involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing -- but "the right thing" is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed. We may consider ethics to be the "Science of Conduct.” Ethics includes the fundamental ground rules by which we live our lives. Philosophers such as Socrates and Plato have given guidelines for ethical behaviour. Many ethicists consider emerging ethical beliefs to be legal principles, i.e., what becomes an ethical guideline today is made into to a law, regulation or rule. Therefore following law of the land is one of the basic virtues of ethics. Values, which guide how we ought to behave, are moral values, e.g., values such as respect, honesty, fairness, responsibility, etc. Statements around how these values are applied are sometime called moral or ethical principles.

Definition of Ethics:

The concept has come to mean various things to various people. In times of fundamental change, values that were previously taken for granted are now strongly questioned. For example, life long employment is considered one of the best policies of organizations. However in the changed competitive situations we find that downsizing, outsourcing production systems raise questions about the fundamental premise of previously laid down good practices. Consequently, there is no clear moral compass to guide leaders through complex dilemmas about what is right or wrong. Attention to ethics in the workplace sensitizes leaders and staff to how they should act. Perhaps most important, attention to ethics in the workplaces helps ensure that when leaders and managers are struggling in times of crises and confusion, they retain a strong moral compass.

Cross-border Education: Complexities and Challenges:

Cross-Border Education:

Cross-border education refers to the movement of people, programs, providers, knowledge, ideas, projects and services across national boundaries. The term is often used interchangeably with “transnational education,” “offshore education” and “borderless education.” There are subtle but important differences between these terms, cross-border education is described as: “higher education that takes place in situations where the teacher, student, program, institution / provider or course materials cross national jurisdictional borders. Cross-border education may include higher education by public / private and not-for-profit / for profit providers. It encompasses a wide range of modalities in a continuum from face-to-face (taking various forms from students traveling abroad and campuses abroad) to distance learning (using a range of technologies and including e-learning).

Real Love:

The mind is invisible. It takes various shapes and images according to the nature and value of the thing with which it gets contact. Such mental images or moods are called by several names, such as happiness, anger, fear, courage, confidence, etc. When a man and woman get close friendship with one another and make the decision to share the body, life, knowledge and skill with one another and lead life together, such a thought of oneness is real love between sexual partners. This kind of real love helps, secures, protects, saves and enriches the lives of both.

Negative Thoughts:

As children, each of us live with the barrage of commands from the adults in our lives: stop fidgeting, pay attention, sit up straight. For some, those commands became a consistent source of pain, maybe you heard words such as "You're stupid" or "You're lazy." As we grow into adulthood, we don't leave these remarks behind us, but instead, we continue them on our own, telling ourselves over and over again how inadequate we are. Our negative thought patterns have the ability to reap havoc on our lives. Sometimes, we create our own reality by what we say to ourselves each day. For example, if we have one or two lousy things happen to us in the morning, we tell ourselves what a terrible day this is. Throughout the day, as we repeat this over and over, we begin to focus only on what has gone wrong. By the end of the day, we have convinced ourselves it was the worst day ever. If instead, we had accepted that the morning started off poorly, but the rest of the day looked promising and repeated this to ourselves all day, we would view our experiences differently and look for thegood in what was happening. And so it goes throughout our lives. When we continue to barrage ourselves with negative thoughts of ourselves, we tend to believe them. We view ourselves in this negative way.

Negative Can Become Positive:

Although difficult, you can change your thought process and change your outlook about yourself and about your life. This takes practice and work and dedication. But the results are definitely worth it. According to several psychologists, the process of changing negative thought processes into positive can take months, slowly, though, you will begin to notice a change in how you think.