Eye Exercises

Counter- Clockwise Rotation:

Repeat as above in the counter - clockwise direction 5 times.

To and Fro:

Draw the hands as close to the eyes as possible up to the nose tip by bending the elbows. Then extend the hands away from the eyes fully straightening the arms. Repeat this to and fro movement 5 times, all the while keeping the eyes on the thumbnails.


1. Pupil’s nerves become effective. Eye lens become normal.

2. Spectacles can be avoided or the use may be postponed.

3. Eye related diseases are restricted or avoided.


Sit comfortably. Close the left nostril with one finger. Exhale forcefully and inhale through the right nostril. Then close the right nostril and exhale forcefully then inhale. Repeat this sequence 10 times, rest for a minute. This is one cycle. Do 2 more cycles.


1. Sinus gets relief.

2. E.S count gets reduced (Sp.).

3. Respiratory organs get cleansed

4. Body re-vibrates/vibrant.