Hand Exercises

Hand Exercises:

Practical Exercises: The simplified exercises begin with hand exercises.

Posture 1:

Stand straight on a mat and keeping the feet slightly apart and naturally. Lift the arms above the head to the full stretch and join the palms and fingers together. The arms should be closed to the ears. Keep the arms up in the same position for four complete breaths. Then bring the arms down to the thighs and rest for two breaths. Repeat this exercise three times.


Posture 2:

Stretch both arms to the front at 900 to the chest and join the palms and fingers in the palms and fingers in front of the chest. Wave the hands back at 1800 and bring front (both the palms touching when they come in they come in the front) at the same height. This exercise should be done five times.

Posture 3:

Join the fingers to form a cone shape. Rotate the right hand clockwise five times. In the same manner, rotate the left hand clockwise five times. Then rotate the right hand anticlockwise five times and the left hand in the anti-clockwise direction five times.

Posture 4:

Keep the fingers of both the hands in the same cone position. Slowly rotate both the hands clockwise five times and anti-clockwise five times simultaneously. Remember that the elbow should not be bent and hands should be closer to the head.