Human Values & Prof. Ethics-1

Human Value

Human Value:

1. Roketch: Value is defined as enduring belief, a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence along with continuum of importance.

2.  Kluchhohn: Value is a conception of desirable and not something desired.

3.  Shaver: Values are standards and principles for judging worth.

4.  Gawande: It is an adjusted human behavior which is conductive to the development of him, society, nation and international understanding.

Human value is an academic behavior through which progress of individual, society; nation and international understanding are created. Education aims at all round development of human beings, therefore Cognitive, Conative and Affective domains are taken to task at learning levels for individual progress. By exchange of subject information, development in cognitive domain is easily possible. Application of skills is conative domain and is related to fixing of human values and its preservation. Until an emotional feeling does not exist, an individual cannot achieve wisdom. This important part is neglected through curriculum. Thus inculcation of value education is for emotional development. It is through this that we establish men of character, responsible citizens and sensitive personality of individuals. An individual so described discharges the responsibility of both rights and duties. It is in this sense that value education becomes indispensable for all round human development.


When human values are inculcated through curriculum to transcend to cognitive, affective and psychomotor level for conducive development of individual, society, national and international understanding, it is called value education. Value education claims a vast field for its coverage to mould the behaviour and transform the right ways of action in day-to-day life activities. It is not the property of one nation, one religion, one climate and one philosophy. It surpasses all these areas. Therefore it is universal in character in as much as it relates to the welfare of human beings scattered throughout the world. Socrates was right when he thought ‘knowledge is virtue’. All knowledge must end in the creation of virtues. Knowledge without viture is not only useless to society but it is disastrous to society also. Martin Luther King well thought of the glory of a nation in the following words:

“The prosperity of a country depends not on the abundance of its revenues, not on the strength of its fortifications, nor on the beauty of its public buildings; but on its cultivated citizens, in its men of education, enlightenment and character.”

Among various objectives of value education, to produce men of character is chief among them. The salient features of characterization are:

(i) honesty

(ii) adventure

(iii) pleasantness

(iv) controlled and sensitive nature.

According to Chilan (1987), Indian culture is superior because it is based on pity, selfcontrol, honesty, honour, faith and universal brotherhood. If these values are included in the curriculum, emotional development can be achieved.

Dr. Kothari (1964-66) tried to emphasise the value viz., democracy, socialism, and equality of all religions. He attached great importance to achieve skills through science and technology and also balanced development of human values. National Education Policy (1986) studied Indian background and came to the conclusion that religious education is not possible in India as India is a country with many religions. N.E.P. (1986) therefore advocated the concept of value education, giving extensive meaning to the term moral education. N.E.P. also tried to raise the levels congnitive, conative and affective domains. Conscious efforts to make changes through formal educational system should be done. Knowledge, skill and emotion developed through the curriculum media transforms the right attitudes, interests and liking among students. Afterwards the constituent becomes the integral part of personality and thus creates value-based personality. Value education system that aims to enrich the level of our understanding and respect for such values and aims to bring us maturity of mind is called value-based education. Only a valuebased education can give our youth the heart to understand the feelings of others and a constant awareness to take care not to hurt or insult the hearts of others by words and actions.

Parents, Teachers and Fellow Students:

All of us born and living in this world as the continuity of our parents. If we analyze how we have grown up in this world and who has helped us most to live and realize our potential, we would find our parents and teachers have been the most important personalities in that process. Mother takes on a great responsibility physically and mentally to nurture the child and tolerates much inconvenience and pain. In gratitude for her years of invaluable help and care, one should always give due respect to mother.One’s father spends his time and labor, gives his knowledge and attention for years so as to develop his child into a great personality. Hence, remembering the proverb, “There is no temple greater than mother and there is no mantra greater than the words of father”, one has to give respect to his parents and maintain good relations with them. Today, if we are able to read, write, think and act accordingly it has been made possible due to the education we had over about twenty years from various teachers, who took all efforts to teach us through their learning and experiences. Our education is due to our teachers who have labored patiently to explain various subjects in such a way that we can easily understand. Every one of us has to always remember his teachers with gratitude and respect.A common problem for the newly admitted students in our educational institutions is the practice of “ragging” by senior students. Such merciless torture meted out to freshman students by the seniors is beneficial to none, but leaves all with unhappy memories. Both the seniors and the freshers they torture lose their peace of mind and the standard of education is corrupted and deteriorated. These painful incidents are stored in the inner depths of the heart and continue to influence one’s relationships throughout life. Some students are so drastically affected that they forfeit their careers, prospects and even their mental balance. Good companionship among students is to be nurtured, as the collegiate years can be the time where lifelong loyalties and friendships are formed. Parents, management of institutions government and students must gather and discuss the ways to eradicate this menace and ensure that students are able to study peacefully and happily and achieve success in life. In the long run the success and achievements of every student are an asset to society.