Human Values & Prof. Ethics-1

Living Harmony

Living Harmony:

Whatever may be the job or profession one should have conducive environment and working atmosphere to do his job and carry out his responsibilities? There should not be any tension or over pressure, unnecessary interference or disturbance from others though they are superiors/seniors. One cannot function effectively under a knife all the while hanging over his head. The workers should have peaceful atmosphere at office as well as at home. The rules and regulations must also be to a limited extent in order to make the atmosphere peaceful. For that, the layout of the business/ industries, security of the job and environment with safety are also required for any professionals to live peacefully. If the people are not carrying out their duties in a peaceful atmosphere, the unwarranted behaviors will naturally come into force. Following are the basic Living Harmony which are given as:


  • Having or displaying warmth or affection.
  • Feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others.
  • Caring is a process and product which incorporates supports, sharing and respect. It encompasses the unity of mind, body and spirit of the holistic person with the broader content of one's environment.

As a normal human being when an individual is dealing or moving with neighbours, friends, colleagues, even with their family members, they must have some interests about the welfare of the other persons at least to some extent. These type of caring is essential in the work place too. Caring for others and having interest in die solution of their grievances will definitely bring in a good work environment. This type of adjustment among the workers or between the executives and subordinates in the work spot is also necessary for the successful implementation of the workload assigned. This type of morality of care, leads to concentration rather than impartiality and justice. The individual with justice orientation and caring in any dispute will be interested only on the fair tiling to do and then proceed to follow up the course of action without bothering about the impact on others. But the individual with care orientation will try to identify the best course of action that preserves the interest of all those people involved. Even actions taken by such care-orientated people will have least amount of damage to the relationships among the persons.


  • Having in common.
  • Using or enjoying something jointly with others

  • Sharing equally with another or others.

  • Unselfishly willing to share with others.

  • Sharing is the joint use of a resource.


Honesty is the human quality of communicating with a truthful, direct, and complete intent, as best one is able. It is related to truth as a value. Honesty means simply, stating facts and views as best one truly believes them to be. It includes both honesty to others, and to oneself and about ones own motives and inner reality. Engineering profession resembles with the construction process of a structure or building; honest)' being its foundation. The value of the engineering services depends on honesty. Unreliable engineering judgment will be the worst. Rather it is better to be with none at all. Honesty also refers to the maintenance of truth or not to misuse the truth. Misuse of truth may indicate failing to communicate the truth also. Communicating the truth when actually they are not supposed to be informed and allowing the judgment with respect to the truth to be corrupted also an act of misuse of truth.

1. Lying:Honesty means to avoid lying also. Lying may be of any type, for instance, an engineer by mistake communicates some test results on a sample testing. Actually lying means a person happened to be intentionally with less knowledge or less awareness, communicating wrong or misguided information. But of course, even in such incidents complications may arise. To be honest, an individual should not give information that he believes to be false even though it is actually true. Even gestures and nodding and some other indirect statements may also bring false statement or meaning during conversation, even though the individual has not said any lie.

2. Deliberate deception: Sometimes an engineer may discuss some matters on technical aspects in such a way implying knowledge, which he does not have to impress an employer or a customer. In that case, that engineer is definitely engaging in deliberate deception though he is not lying.

3. Withholding the information: Sometimes people hide certain information in conversation. Although it is not a matter of lying, it is another type of deceptive behaviours. Suppose an engineer during the proposals to his executive, fails to indicate some behaviours.

Respect For Others:

Respect is of great importance in everyday life. Respect is basically defined as a regard for or appreciation of the worth or value of someone or something. Respect is, most generally, a relation between a subject and an object, in which the subject responds to the object from a certain perspective in some appropriate way. Respect necessarily has an object: respect is always for, directed toward, paid to, felt about, shown for some object. While a very wide variety of things can be appropriate objects of one kind of respect or another, the subject of respect is always a person, that is, a conscious rational being capable of recognizing things, being self-consciously and intentionally responsive to them, and having and expressing values with regard to them. Respect is a responsive relation, and ordinary discourse about respect identifies four key elements of the response: attention, deference, valuing, and appropriate conduct. As per Kant*s argument one should never treat people merely as things. However they should be treated as autonomous (self-directing) moral agents. Capitalism and advances in technology, forces to think of people merely as things. Moreover, people are not allowed to make their own decisions and respects are not at all given to the rights of the people.