Change Of Variable Theorem

Special Cases:

Theorem (change of variable theorem: Polar Coordinates). Let x = r cosθ, y = r sinθ the inverse function are:


Let D be an elementary region in the xy-plane and let D* be the corresponding region in the rθ plane. Then


For example if D is the region x2 y2 ≤ 1 in the xy-plane then D* is the rectangle [0,1] * [0,2π] in the rθ plane.


Theorem ( change of Variable Theorem: Cylindrical Coordinates). Let with and z arbitrary; note the inverse function are:


Let D be a elementary region in the xyz-plane and let D* be the coresponding region in the rθz - plane. Then



Theorem ( Change of Variable Theorem : Spherical Coordinates) Let with

Note that the angle φ is the angle made with z - axis; many books interchanges the role of φand θ. Let D be the elementary region in the xyz-plane and let D* be the coresponding region in the ρθφ-plane. Then


Note the most common mistake is to have incorrect bounds of integration. Hence this is the basic Special Cases of Change of Variables Theorem.