System Of Linear Equation

System of Linear Equation:

An equation of the form;

Which express b in terms of the unknown x1, x2,.......,xn and the constant a1,a2, is called a linear equations. A solution to the linear equations (1) is an aarray of n numbers s1,s2, which has the property that the above equation is satiesfied when x1 = s1,x2 = s2,.......xn = sn are substituted. For example x1 = 2, x2 = 3, x3 = - 4 is a solution to the linear equations.

More generally a system of m linear equation in n unknown x1,x2,.....xn or a linear system is a set of m linear equations each is n unknown. A linear system is written as;

A system of linear equation which hs solution is said to be consistant. Otherwise is said to be inconsistent.