Evaluation Of Definite Integrals

Evaluation of Definite Integrals:

One of the most classical and fascinating applications of the calculus of residues is the calculation of definite (usually improper) real integrals. It is an over-simplification to call these calculations, taken together, a “technique”: it is more like a collection of techniques. We present several instances of the method.

Basic Example of the Indefinite Integral:

To evaluate;


we “complexify” the integrand to f(z) = 1/(1 z4) and consider the integral,


by the calculation that we are about to do. Assume that R > 1. Define

Call these two curves, taken together


Now we set U = C,

the points P1, P2, P3, P4 are the poles of 1/[1 z4]. Thus f(z) = 1/(1 z4) is holomorphic on U \ {P1, . . . , P4} and the Residue Theorem applies.