Laurent Series
Laurent Series:
A Laurent series on D(P, r) is a (formal) expression of the form
Note that the individual terms are each defined for all z D(P, r) \ { P }. The series sums from j = −
to j =
Convergence of a Doubly Infinite Series:
To discuss convergence of Laurent series, we must first make a general agreement as to the meaning of the convergence of a “P doubly infinite” series . We say that such a series converges if
converge in the usual sense. In this case, we set;
In other words, the question of convergence for a bi-infinite series devolves to two separate questions about two sub-series.
Uniqueness of the Laurent Expansion:
Let 0 ≤ r1 ≤ r2 . If the Laurent series
converges on D(P, r2) \
to a function f, then, for any r satisfying r1 < r < r2, and each j
This claim follows from integrating the series term-by-term (most of the terms integrate to zero of course). In particular, the aj ’s are uniquely determined by f.
Laurent Expansions: Now we may summarize with our main result:
Theorem: If 0 ≤ r1 ≤ r2 and f : D(P, r2) \
→ C is holomorphic, then there exist complex numbers aj such that,
converges on D(P, r2) \ to f. If r1 < s1 < s2 < r2, then the series converges absolutely and uniformly on D(P, s2) \
. this below) that f ≡ 0.
The series expansion is independent of s1 and s2. In fact, for each fixed j = 0,±1,±2, . . . , the value of
is independent of r provided that r1 < r < r2.
Figure of Cauchy Integrals on an anulus: