Fuzzy Properties

Properties Related to Intersection:-Absorption,  Identity,  Idempotence,  Commutativity,  Associativity.    ■  Absorption by Empty Set : 

    A ∩ Φ  = Φ

input    =  Equality [Small ∩ Empty ,  Empty]

output = True

■  Identity : 

    A ∩  X = A

input    =  Equality [Small ∩ UnivrsalSpace ,  Small]

output = True

■Idempotence : 

    A ∩  A = A

input    =  Equality [Small ∩ Small ,  Small]

output = True

■Commutativity  :

    A ∩  B = B ∩  A    

input    =  Equality [Small ∩ Big ,  Big ∩  Small]

output = True

■  Associativity  :

    A ∩ (B ∩  C) = (A ∩  B) ∩  C 

input = Equality [Small ∩  (Medium ∩ Big), (Small ∩ Medium) ∩ Big]

output = True

Additional Properties  :-Related  to  Intersection  and  Union 


    A ∩ (B ∪  C) = (A ∩  B) ∪  (A ∩  C)

input = Equality [Small ∩ (Medium ∪ Big)  , (Small ∩ Medium) ∪ (Small ∩ Big)] 

output = True


    A ∪ (B ∩  C) = (A ∪  B) ∩  (A ∪  C)

input = Equality [Small ∪ (Medium ∩ Big)  ,  (Small ∪ Medium) ∩ (Small ∪ Big)] 

output = True

■  Law of excluded middle  :

     A ∪  A'  = X

input  = Equality [Small  ∪NotSmall  ,  UnivrsalSpace ] 

output = True